Chapter 6

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"Mikasa! Armin!" I call to my friends. I've arrived at the court with Erwin and Levi, dressed in my Scouts uniform. It feels odd. I feel like a proper Scout now. I like it. Mikasa and Armin turn and run to me. I grin and wrap my arms around them, pulling them in close. "I'm so glad you're ok!" 

"You too!" Armin says eagerly. "And look at you! You're a Scout now!" 

"I always knew you were especially stupid." A voice says from behind. I spin around to see Jean standing there, smirking down at me. 

"Jean!" I cry and nearly tackle him to the ground in my excitement. He laughs, hugging me back tightly. 

Levi clears his throat and I pull away from Jean, turning to look at him. He's frowning at the arm I still have around Jean, probably not please with my sudden outburst. "(L/N), we need to get going." 

Erwin waves his hand in the air, smiling a bit. "Leave them off Levi." He nods to Jean, Mikasa and Armin. "They'll be sitting with us anyway." He gestures to the door to the courthouse. "This way."

We all start walking into the courthouse. Jean throws his arm around my shoulders, leaning in to whisper, "I'm glad you didn't die." 

I pat my side. "I almost did."

Jean stiffens. "What?"

I shake my head, leaning into his warmth a bit, glad to be back with my friend. "I'll tell you later. What are you doing here anyway?"

"They needed another witness from the 104th, so here I am," he grumbles the last part, clearly not happy with being the one chosen. I chuckle, elbowing him the ribs. "Play nice, you don't want to be added onto Mikasa's list of people who are a threat to Eren. It would be a shame to die before getting that cosy life with the MPs."

"He's been on my list for the past 3 years," Mikasa says quietly, a small smile playing on her lips. It's nice to see her smile, I know this is hard for her. It's hard for all of us. If something happens to Eren... no, nothing will happen, he'll be alright. 

Jean rolls his eyes at Mikasa and then says to me, "I'm not joining the MPs."

I straighten, turning to look at him fully - or the best I can do while walking. "You're not?"

"Nope, I'm joining the Scouts."

"You are?!" Somehow this was right up there with Eren becoming a Titan on the craziness scale. What could've made him change his mind... oh, Marco. He must have read the realisation in my eyes because his expression saddened a bit. "That's great," I say, trying to cheer him up. "That you're joining the Scouts. Hey, that means we'll probably be working together!"

Jean's expression brightens then and he squeezes my shoulders. "Yeah, it probably does."

Levi's Pov

He has his arm around her. And she has his arm around him. This is entirely unprofessional. 

"If you can Levi," Erwin says quietly to me as he observes the brats in front of us. "Try not to look like you're going to kill him."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mutter, making sure to school my face into neutrality. We are in public and this is a very serious situation and they're... touching. He's hugging her. It only bothers me because it makes the Scouts look unprofessional. Yes, that's why. I'll give her another week of cleaning my office for this. I don't know why I brought her along, she isn't needed here. But I brought her anyway. 

The image of her winking at me flashes into my mind yet again. She is an insubordinate little shit... and that horse-faced brat has his arm around her. 

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