Chapter 27

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"What the hell is that?" I gasp as I run up the stairs to where Eren is being chained. The cavern is collapsing around us, it's the only reason we were able to find a way through. Historia is here too, trying to untie Eren. She's dressed all in white.

The glowing light from before was what we thought, a Titan transforming. But this Titan was huge, just as big as the Colloasal, and barely formed yet. I can see all his bones, the skin starting to form on them. 

Historia is blow back, but Mikasa catches her. She tosses the keys to Levi, and I help hold Eren   in place with Jean while him and Connie undo his chains. Blood runs down Eren's face, someone's sliced open his forehead, but thankfully it doesn't look too deep. 

"Just leave me here!" Eren cries. "Forget it! Hurry up and escape!"

"Stop whining, you half-naked weirdo!" Jean shouts. "We've got gunmen and a Titan coming at us so pipe down."

The hot air from the Titan is intense, and it takes everything in me to keep holding on. The cavern is close to collapsing. I don't know how we're going to get out of this. All I can hope is that Armin, Hanji, and Moblit got out safe. 

"And if you think Mikasa will leave you behind you must be dumber than you look," I add. 

The Titan is still growing and the ground around us shakes. Eren's left arm and foot are free now. The Titan is now even bigger than the Colossal. It bumps up against the ceiling, and rock and debris shower down. We manage to drag Eren out of the way just in time to avoid getting crushed.

We press up against the wall, watching as the Titan grows impossibly bigger. It's crouched over now, it's limbs recognizable but not fully formed. 

"Who even it that?" I shout.

"My father," I hear Historia answer quietly. 


Levi is beside me, our shoulders pressed together. Everyone is staring at the Titan as it grows. The ceiling is falling down on top of us. We'll be crushed, buried alive, in a matter of seconds if we don't hurry up and do something.

But there's nothing for us to do. 

We're trapped here. 

This is it. 

We're going to die. 

I search and search for something to do, for a way out. For anything. But there isn't. There's nothing. It's a miracle we're still alive right now. I glance over to Eren. He doesn't look like he's going to be doing anything anytime soon. 

What did they do to him? Where's all his fight gone?

Levi's fingers brush against mine and I grab his hand, squeezing tight. After all that talk about not dying, here we are. I suppose we tempted fate a bit too much. 

"S-s-sorry..." Eren blubbers, sliding down to the ground. "I can't... I've been a dead weight every damn step of the way. This power never should've been given to me, I can't be humanity's hope, I'm just too weak..." Tears roll down his cheeks and he sobbed. 

And, despite it all, I roll my eyes. "Always with the dramatic, Eren," I mutter, grinning slightly. 

"C'mon,"  Jean says. "Stop playing the tragic hero. Of course you're too weak to accomplish jack by yourself but no one expects you too." 

"Yeah calm it down, we've been through a whole lot worse than this, man," Connie adds. 

"Not that I really wanna get used to it," Sasha chuckles through gritted teeth. 

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