Chapter 25

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I lean against a tree, staring up at the canopy of leaves over head. Armin, Jean, and Mikasa have gone into town to buy supplies. We're searching for where Eren and Historia might have been taken by Lord Reiss. He's Historia's father and he has both her and Eren. I feel like my head is about to explode. Reiss is the true royal bloodline. 

Which means Historia is... 

And if we don't get there in time there's a good chance that Eren will be eaten. I can't let that happen. 

I look over my shoulder, eyes scanning the trees for my squad mates. I haven't spoken to Levi since our argument that night. I know I need to go apologise but... I just can't bring myself to it right now. Besides, there are bigger things at stake than our relationship right now. 

I hear footsteps and immediately sit up straighter, hand going for my weapon just in case. But it's ok, it's only the others.

"Captain, we bought the supplies," Jean says. 

"The MPs were handing out these flyers." Armin hands him a page. "If this is true, the Scouts will be disbanded. They say they'll be hunting for us in the mountain tonight, they'll also be posting guards in all the vital roads, no one can get through them without a pass. So, Captain, what now?"

"They can't be serious..." I mutter, walking over to look at the flyer over Levi's shoulder. 

"We need to hurry and find Eren," Mikasa says. 

"I agree." I step back. "We can't just sit around."

"He'll be fine," Levi interrupts. "They're taking him on a wagon, that gives us 1 day until they reach Reiss's estate, and we need every second we can get to come up with a plan."

"Captain," Sasha whisper-shouts. "I hear footsteps. It sounds like they're approaching."


I watch, leaning against a tree, as Armin and Mikasa tie up the two MPs we found. Their gear lies by my feet. We have a plan now. Get past the checkpoint disguised as MPs and snoop around until we find out where Eren and Historia are. It's not the best plan in the world but its all we've got right now. 

I glance at Levi, he's in thinking mode right now. I can see it clear as day. I drum my fingers against my folded arms. Being out here agitates me. If these two found us surely more are hanging about somewhere. 

God, I never thought I would ever be on the run from my own people. 

"Captain." Jean hands Levi two little notebooks. 

"Hm?" Levi takes them, standing and walking over to the MPs. "Now then, you're Stohess Military Police. Private Marlow Freudenberg. Same assignment, Private Hitch Dreyse. We'll need to dispose of you..." he says. 

The pair stiffen, fear flashing across their features. I give a small sigh. "Captain..." I warn. Levi's gaze shoots over to me. 

Play nice, I tell him. 

He just rolls his eyes at me. 

"Because of what you did! Stohess was a graveyard! Over a hundred people were killed!" Hitch cries, eyes wide and back straight. 

I tense, wincing slightly. I remember Stohess. It was... awful. Annie's betrayal still stings and the memory makes my chest ache. And to think of all those innocent live snuffed out. It's horrible. Maybe this proves I've been a bad person all along. Stohess never bothered me as much as it probably should've. 

"Huh?" Levi pauses.

"Hey..." Marlow warns. 

"You bastards!" Hitch continues on. "I bet you think you're all some kind of heroes of justice but you're not, you dropped dozens of innocent families straight into hell on that mission of yours."

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