Chapter 7

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It's been a week since Eren's trial and I'm finally allowed back training. I walk down to the training ring, drumming my fingers against my thigh, mentally preparing myself. It's only the Levi Squad out here today, no other Scouts are training. I shuck off my jacket and throw it on the fence next to Petra's. It'll be good to finally get to take part in training, instead of just watching it. Although the good thing about just watching first was that I got to observe everyone's fighting style and take note of their common mistakes and tells. Like when Oluo threw a punch he always shifted his weight too much on his front leg, throwing him off balance. I breathe in the fresh afternoon air, buzzing to get back in the ring. I spot Eren standing awkwardly to the side, watching as the rest of the squad spar. Good thing I'm here now to make it an even number. I look around, Levi isn't here. Good. 

I jog over to Eren, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Afternoon, Titan boy." 

Eren jumps slightly then turns around to me, scowling. "I told you to stop calling me that, (Y/N)." 

"Right, sorry Titan boy," I grin, dragging him out into the ring and settling into my stance. "Ready?"

He frowns at me. "Are you sure you can fight?"

Now it's my turn to scowl. "Yes, I'm all better now. Get into your stance." 

"I don't know (Y/N)-"

"Scared, Titan boy?" 

That got him. He settled into his stance almost immediately, glaring at me in defiance. "No!"

"Good," I say, smiling at him. "Then let's go."

As always, Eren lunges with a high punch. I dodge easily, anticipating it and closing the space between us, using my size to my advantage. I jab a punch to his ribs, slipping out of range before he can retaliate. I dart forward again, sweeping a kick at his legs. He dodges it, pulling up an attempt to knee me in the face. I roll and bounce to my feet, cracking an elbow across his cheek. He stumbles and I move with him, hooking my ankle around his and tripping him. He falls with a grunt and I smirk at him, offering a hand to help him up. 

"Nice job, (Y/N)!" Petra calls. "Better luck next time Eren!"

I grin at her and then pull Eren up. He rubs his cheek. "You got lucky."

"Hmm sure," I say, raising a brow.

We fight again. And again. And again. I win every time. Not as easy as the first. Eren is a good fighter and very fucking determined, but I'm faster and have more skill. By the end we're both sweating and breathing hard. My side twinges a bit but I don't say anything. I gulp back nearly half a canteen of water and watch Petra whoop Oluo's ass. I cheer and clap, along with Gunther, as she knocks him to the ground and pins him an almost unbreakable hold. When she releases him, Oluo jumps to his feet and eyes me challengingly. 

"Having fun, newbie? Alright, you and me now. Let's go." He beckons me forward, fists raised. 

I bark a surprised laugh. "What?"

"You heard me, (L/N). You and me, let's go." 

"Hey leave her off, Oluo," Petra says. "She's just back from injury."

"Yeah, Oluo," Gunther laughs. "Just because you're a sore loser-"

"I am not!" he exclaims indignantly. "She's part of our squad now, she has to prove her worth."

"She-" Gunther starts, but I cut him off, waving a hand in the air. I grin at Oluo, "It's fine guys, Oluo is right. I need to prove my worth." 

Levi's Pov

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