Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s Pov 

It's been nearly a month since we went into hiding, and it has been painfully boring. Not all of it, and not at the start. But I've begun to miss the action and hustle and bustle of the Scouts HQ, being out here there isn't a whole lot to do, aside from the experiments with Hanji. But even those get tedious after a while. Things are going well with Levi though - really well if I'm honest. Levi's lucky, he gets to go back to HQ for meetings with Erwin and Hanji and the other Captains. He can't take me with him though, in his absence I'm in charge, which is definitely not all its cracked up to be. I sigh and go back to chopping the firewood. I don't really mind doing it, I offered to do it instead of Connie. It's a good way to release my pent up boredom, which has a habit for manifesting itself in violent and angry outburst. I hear footsteps crunch on the grass and I stop, blowing the hair out of my face. "It's dangerous to sneak up on a lady with an axe."

Levi snorts. "Since when were you a lady?"

I turn and roll my eyes at him, waving the axe in his direction. "Excuse you, I'm very ladylike."

"Hmm, sure." 

We watch each other for a moment, then a little smile curves Levi's lips. We haven't seen each in nearly a week. He's had a whole host of meetings and planning back at HQ. I rest the axe against the chopping block and walk towards him. He kisses me and then puts his head on my shoulder, sighing. 

"Long week?" I ask, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. 

"You have no idea," he murmurs into my neck.

I shake my head and hug him, giving him another kiss before pulling away and picking up the axe again. "What happened?" 

Levi groans and rubs his face, leaning against a tree, watching me work. "The higher ups are being a pain in the ass, way more then usual. They're demanding we hand Eren over, threatening to arrest Erwin and me and have the Scouts disbanded and-"

"You?" I interrupt. "Why you?"

"Cos I'm in charge of Eren, technically."

"But they can't arrest you, it would be... stupid and incompetent and... not a good idea."

"We need look at expanding your vocabulary," Levi frowned.

"My vocabulary is fine." I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't get arrested."

"I will do my best," he promises, rolling his eyes. 

Not in any way reassured, I resume my work, listening to Levi tell me about what happened at the meetings. He pauses mid sentence, making me stop and turn around again. "What is it?" I ask, looking around. Has he seen something, someone? Have we been discovered? Have we-

"You're doing it wrong," Levi says.

I raise my brows at him. "Huh?"

He nods to the axe and chopping block. "You're doing it wrong."

Oh my god, was he being serious right now? "I'm doing what wrong, exactly?"

Levi walks forward. "You're chopping the firewood wrong. You're supposed to cut it in half."

I stare at him. "I know, that's what I'm doing."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Yes I-" 

Levi puts up his hand to silence me. I scoff, the gall of this heichou. I'll break that hand in a second. He holds the offending hand out me. "Give me that axe."

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