Chapter 17

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Hi guys!

So I've decided to continue on with the story, I've thought about it and I know where it's gonna go and I've planned it out and I'm very excited for you to read it. Just so you know I'm back to school now - as in physically going to school and not doing it online - which means I won't have as much free time so I won't be able to write and update as much as I used to be able to, so I'm very sorry about that but I promise I'll do my best.

This will be following the season 3 plotline. Ish. You'll see what I mean as I go on. 

That's all for now, I really hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for reading!


Levi's Pov

Warm, buttery sunlight sifts through the gap in the curtains, casting a glow over my bedroom. I let out a soft groan as I turn over, still half asleep. I put my arm around the small body curled up next to me and tuck her in closer, kissing her bare shoulder and burying my face in her neck. (Y/N) lets out a small sigh and nestles in closer to me, hand resting over mine. I smile. We've been together nearly two months now. Best two months of my life. I feel myself start to drift off into sleep again. As I do I think about that first day two months ago...

------- Two Months Ago ------

"You are always worth the risk." My forehead rests against (Y/N)'s and I look into her (e/c) eyes. I nearly lost her. She sacrificed herself for me, she was going to die so I could live. The moment she did - the moment she said goodbye and jumped off her horse - still plays in mind. The raw terror I felt when I realised what she was going to do. I couldn't do it, I couldn't let her do it. I couldn't lose another person. I couldn't lose her. She hasn't said anything yet, but her hands are on my chest and a smile is starting to form on her lips. She bites her lip and she strokes a line down the center of my chest. Shivers skitter down my spine. "Levi, I..." 

Fuck, she's going to make a joke about it. I know she is, I can see it on her face and in her eyes. I shouldn't have done that. I've made a fool of myself. Tch, this is where feelings get you. I start to pull away, stepping back, when (Y/N) tsks, "Don't you dare." She throws her arms around my neck and yanks my towards her. She kisses me. Passionately. Now it's my turn to be taken by surprise. It doesn't last long, I wrap my arms around her waist and bring her in close, pressing her against me.  (Y/N) pulls back a fraction to whisper onto my lips, "You're always worth the risk too, Levi." 

I kiss her again.

We leap apart when a loud bang sounds in the distance, in the direction of the forest. Our swords are instantly in our hands, eyes scanning the area, searching for a threat. Nothing happens. (Y/N) swallows, relaxing but not fully letting her guard down. "We should go," she says. I nod and whistle for me horse. (Y/N) does the same. A few minutes later my horse canters up to us but (Y/N)'s is still no where to be found. She keeps whistling and we wait. Her horse still doesn't come. Minutes drift by and there's still no sign. I keep an eye on our surroundings. I don't like being out here in the open. I turn to (Y/N). "It doesn't look like she's coming back." 

"Fuck," (Y/N) sighs, rubbing her cheek. 

I hop up onto my horse and hold out a hand to her. "Guess you'll just have to ride with me," I smirk.

(Y/N) laughs and rolls her eye, taking my hand and sitting behind me. She holds onto my waist and whispers into my ear. "I guess I will."

-------------- Time Skip -------------

It's late when we finally arrive back to HQ, almost dark. We ride into the tables and (Y/N) detangles herself from me and jumps down. I follow suit and guide my horse into the stall. When I'm done (Y/N) is waiting for, leaning against one of the wooden beams. She smiles at me and we walk in step back to HQ. The setting sun casts a glow over the sky, shining down warm rays. We walk a bit closer together than we did before, enjoying the comfortable silence. We enter HQ and start for my office. Halfway there we run into a certain insane scientist. She's bounding down the hall but skids to a stop when she sees us. 

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