Chapter 11

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---------- During the 57th Expedition ----------

Y/N's Pov

We're changing course again.

"Oluo, you fire," Levi orders. 

"Yes sir!" Oluo sends off his flare. I look around. Everything seems to be going smoothly for now. But we're in the safest part of the formation, who knows what it's like out on the front lines. Besides, something feels... off. But maybe that's just because of the short asshole riding in front of me. We haven't spoken since our fight yesterday, he hasn't even looked at me. The reason I am is because he's in my line of sight. I can't breathe with the tension between us, it makes it very hard to act like nothing is bothering me. We ride on. I keep my eyes and ears open, regardless of Levi I still can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. I glance over at Eren, just in case he's disappeared in the last 5 minutes.  He hasn't.

And extra set of hooves pound to our right and I turn to see a Scout galloping towards us. "I've got a message!" he roars. "The right flank enemy Scouts have been devastated! The right flank is now blank to enemy movement! Please pass the message on to the squads on your left!"

What? The right flank... that's where Armin is. Fear grips at my heart and I share a worried look with Eren. 

"You heard the man, Petra," Levi says. "Move out."

"Yes, sir!" Petra gallops off to inform the other squads. I swallow and hold my reins a little tighter. They're fine, they're fine, I tell myself. Armin's fine, they're all fine, they'll all be fine. 

A series of black flares go off in the distance. Shit. Shit. Shit. An abnormal. I twist around to try see what's going on. I squint my eyes. There... under the flares. Shit, this one was big. Were they battling it?

"There's an abnormal!" Eren yells. Yeah, no shit. 

"Eren, you fire it off," Levi calls. "What a mess," he mutters. "The formation has been penetrated that deeply...?"


I'm not sure how long later but a messenger rides down to us to tell us that we're to enter the forest. But only the central column. But that doesn't make sense. With just the central column we won't be able to detect Titans, and there's something coming on our right flank. How are we supposed to avoid the Titans and protects the wagons. What is Erwin playing at? He's going to get us all killed 

------------ Time Skip to the forest -----------

We're riding through the forest now, and Eren's after voicing my thoughts. Levi's answer makes sense, the trees are perfect for Vertical Maneuvering gear but... it's clear not even Levi knows what Erwin is up to. This is all grating on my nerves. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it. 

There's a loud crash somewhere behind us. I flinch, instinctively going for my swords. I didn't like this, I didn't like this at all. 

"W-what was that noise?" 

"It came from behind us!"

"Was it that thing on the right flank...?"

"All of you," Levi yells. "Draw your swords! If that thing appear, it will all be over in a flash!"

Not moments later loud thudding fills the air, shaking the ground slightly. I turn around and there is it. A Titan... a female Titan. It's speeding towards us. It'll catch us any second. I look up at it's skinless face. Blonde hair flows behind it, it's blue eyes are focused on Eren. There's something strangely familiar about it. But I can't quite but my finger on what it is.

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