Chapter 24

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Y/N 's Pov

It's quiet. Too quiet in my opinion. We're all lying in wait for Reeves and Mikasa to deliver Sannes and the other soldier to us. I can't remember his name. I don't really want to. All of this feels wrong. I never thought I'd miss the days where it was just us fighting Titans but here we are. 

I sigh and check to make sure everything is in order. It is. They should be here soon. I don't think I can take the waiting much longer. I glance over to Levi. I know what he's going to do once we capture Sannes. I still can't get my head around that this is what it has come to. 

The sound of hooves on road rings through out the night and I can hear the wagon coming. Everyone gets into position. I watch as it pulls up outside the base we'd taken over. 

A man pokes his head out the back. "Are we there- uh?"

Jean and I point our guns at his face, Levi by our side. The man goes to turn around but I swing the butt of the gun into his head, knocking him unconscious. 

We have them.


Everyone is gathered around the table, waiting outside the door that leads down to where Sannes is being kept. Levi's down there with him. Sannes is screaming. Everyone looks sick. I try to keep my face neutral, to act like it doesn't bother me. But I can't. This isn't right. I hate this. 

I'm sitting against the wall. I tuck my knees in tight to my chest and close my eyes, resting my head in my hands. The screams keep going. What is Levi doing to him? 

Jean sits down beside me. "You alright?" he asks quietly.

I nod. "Yeah... You?"

"This feels wrong," Jean whispers.

"That's because it it," I say. "But we don't have a choice."

Just then Hanji bursts into the room. Automatically, everyone jumps to their feet, standing to attention.

"Where are they?" Hanji asks, an odd, unsettling gleam in her eyes. 

I jerk my chin to the door. "Down there."

Without another word, Hanji takes off. Storming through the door and disappearing downstairs. For a short while the screams stop, and I bask in the relief, sliding back to a sitting position.

Then the screams start again. 

"And there they go again," Jean mumbles, moving over to sit back down in the chair at the table. 

"The screams seem a lot louder than when the Captain did it," Sasha notes. 

Mikasa is standing beside me and I lean my head against her leg. My childhood friend reaches down absently and strokes my hair. "This is awful," I whisper.

"It needs to be done," she murmurs back. 

"I know it's to save our friends," Connie says. "But it still makes me sick."

Armin lets out a breath. "Let's face the facts, we're criminals now. Our last enemy wanted to eat us, we don't have an excuse like that for killing these people. It's just that their views are different. No, it's just that they're in another group, and for that we'll take their lives." Armin bows his head. 

"Armin..." Mikasa moves forward to him. 

"We're not good people, not any more at least."

I let out a silent, shaky breath and tear slips down my cheek. I turn away to hide it, wiping it with my sleeve. 

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