Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s Pov

I sit in the mess hall with Levi and the rest of my squad. The place is empty, no one is supposed to see us go. We need hide Eren from the higher ups while he learns to control his Titan abilities so we can reclaim Wall Maria and finally find out what's in that damned cellar in Shiganshina. I run a hand through my hair, blowing out a breath and moving my gruel around in its bowel. Shiganshina. Home, I suppose. The thought of going back makes me... I don't know, not happy anyway. I don't want to relive those memories, see what my hometown has become after the Titans. See my house, where my parents... 

Something brushes up against my foot, a comforting stroke. Another foot. Levi. I look up and Levi spoons another mouthful of gruel into his mouth. He rests his foot atop mine, reminding me that he's there. I catch his eye and his gaze softens a fraction, for me. I offer him a small smile, this is the Levi version of PDA. I love it. I nudge his foot gratefully, letting him center me through my anxiety. Our squad chatters quietly to each other. We've all bonded over these past few months. They're even growing on Levi, though he would never admit it to anyone but me. 

Levi's Pov

(Y/N) is getting anxious again, I can tell. I reach my foot out to comfort her. We'll be leaving for the woods soon, stuck in a cabin for I don't even know how long. I don't mind staying there with (Y/N), definitely not. It's the rest of them I have an issue with, especially that Jean one. Things have been fine between Jean and (Y/N) lately, according to (Y/N) anyway. But my urge to punch his ugly horseface hasn't lessened so I don't know. They haven't spoken since the fight but... I don't like the idea of them being alone together in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Whatever about the others. Especially when I'm not there. It's not that I don't trust (Y/N), I do, I trust her with my life, it's Jean I don't trust. 

(Y/N) nudges me under the table and I look up at her. She shoots me a warning look, You're glaring

I frown at her, No, I am not

She rolls her eyes, Yes you are

I look back down at my gruel, breaking off our silent conversation. I get a sharp rap on shins as a punishment. I snap my head up to (Y/N).

Her eyes are narrowed at me, Rude 

-------- Time Skip ----------

(Y/N)'s Pov

I don't know how long we've been travelling through the open fields and forests, but it's starting to get dark and I'm starting to get hungry. I say as much to Levi and he just 'tchs' at me and shoves a roll into my lap. My oh so considerate boyfriend ladies and gentlemen, I'm one lucky gal. 

I munch on the roll, watching as the landscape roll by. I sit next to Levi, who's driving our cart. The rest of our squad is in the back, I can hear them laughing and chatting. Jean's voice booms through and I involuntarily cringe. I hate that things are still off between us. I miss him. I miss being able to hang out with him and the others like I used to. I sigh and lean back in my seat, tilting my head up to the side and breathing in the fresh pine-scented air. We'll be there soon. Hopefully. I don't know how long we'll be hiding out here. We'll working and living in close quarters again, like back in Training Corps. I can't have things still off between me and Jean, it'll make working together to difficult. It's been over two months, he's going to have to suck it up. If I can swallow my pride, he can swallow his. I shiver against the chilly evening air and Levi reaches behind him and drapes a blanket over me. I smile at him and spread it over both our laps, settling back and planning what I'm going to say to Jean. 

---------- Time Skip ---------

We arrive at the cabin just before dusk. Everyone lets out a small cheer, leaping out of the cart and stretching out their stiff, aching limbs. Levi starts rattling off orders and everyone hurries to get them done. I almost laugh at them, they're all so scared of him. Especially Eren. I stroll into the cabin and watch as my squad frantically start dusting down every surface. I dump the luggage I'm carrying into their various assigned spots, marking down the details of our new home. Sasha and Connie have already started on making dinner and I don't know where Levi is. We'll need to start setting up watches at some point so I head out to the watchtowers to inspect them. 

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