Dabi x Neko reader ~kitten~

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three months ago
third person prospective

When Dabi ran away from home he didn't expect to wind up in an ally way on the verge of passing out with his only company being a small (hair color) cat Dabi wasn't in good condition his fresh burns were stinging and the pain was almost unbearable he knew if he tried to push him self he'd most likely pass out in the middle of the street and that definitely wasn't what Dabi wanted so he hunkered down in a small abandoned ally way unfortunately for him he got the scare of his life when the small cat toppled out of a trash bin the cat was clumsy and tripped over its own paws as it regained its balance Dabi was relived it was just a cat he sighed and rested his eye's letting him self relaxe that was until the cat decided to hop onto Dabi lap if in Dabi was in any other condition he would have pushed the cat off but he was too tired and sence it was cold that was the only warmth he had he clung to it the cat was curious about the strang man who had settled down in an ally the tiny cat starred up at Dabi with big inquisitive eye's while he didn't pay any attention to the small feline the cat tho was happy that she finally had a human for company
Dabi was extremely confused when the cat started licking the burn on his hand Dabi didn't stop the cat he was too tried to do any thing but the cat seemed to enjoy nuzzling it's head aginst dabi's hand the soft fur felt nice on the fresh scorching burn with out realizing it Dabi fell alseep unfortunately that next morning his sleep was inturupted by the booming Bark of a dog Dabi had never liked dogs and jolted awake to see that there was a big dog a mere 10 feet away from him growling and bearing its teeth while snarling at him but to his astonishment The small (hair color) cat jumped inbetween Dabi and the dog the small cat let out a whimpy hiss the dog barked making the cat jump as the dog lunged for the small feline Dabi instinctively and quickly slammed the wall next to him while shouting "Scram!" The dog spooked and darted out of the ally Dabi sighed and rubbed his hand whitch would probably bruise the small cat Dabi had grew fond of came back over to him and nuzzled its self aginst Dabi curling up into a small ball of fur Dabi chuckled lookign down at the cat "did you think you could protect me?" Dabi asked the cat with an amused smile the feline looked up at him and mewed a few times as if trying to talk to Dabi "you a stray too huh? I guess having a cat around wouldn't hurt" Dabi said and picked the small cat up making purr and vibrate in response
After that Dabi got an apartment and kept the cat around Dabi enjoyed the little ball of happiness and he felt needed sence the cat depended on him to survive if Dabi wasnt around no one would be there to feed (u) or play with her or keep her from jumping onto the chandelier like she'd attempted multiple times and over the past few months Every once in a while Dabi thoguht he'd hurd a girls voice call his name or ask for food but he thought he was hearing things no one els was in his apartment except for him and (u)

Dabi prospective

I sigh walking back into my apartment and I'm immediately greeted by (u) who nuzzles her self aginst my ankle "happy to see me?" I question squatting down stroking her fur before I pick her up and bring her into the kitchen with me grabbing her bowl of food setting her and her cat food down on the floor she immediately snarfs it down as I make my way into the living room plopping down on the couch "man today was a long day" I complain leaning back turning on the Tv resting my eye's in the dim room that is until (u) jumps up onto me curling up into a ball on my chest looking at me with big eye's "what? you want my attention?" I question amused as (u) nuzzles the top of her head aginst my jaw purring before she hops off of me sitting on my lap so I can attually see what's playing on the tv and while I'm watching the new's about a resent bombing and they play the tape showing the explosions as I pet (u) one of the loud explosions makes her jump as she scrambles into my bedroom hiding in the corner like she usually does when she's spooked I sigh and turning the tv off and go into the bedroom crawling into bed and after a minute or two (u) tries jumping up onto the bed but she falls I laugh as I sit up and I pick (u) up helping her up "there" I chuchkle putting (u) down as I lay back and she crawls in top of me falling asleep on my chest "hmph your adorable I love you (u)" I say stroking (u)'s fur before letting my self fall asleep

(U) prospective

I slowly open my eye's and I grin wildly seeing that I finally have my body back 'he accepted me!!!' I think looking over at Dabi who's still alseep it was maybe a year ago but I got into some trouble and I was zapped with a quirk turning me into a cat I learned that if I find a human and they exept me and love me I'll go back to my normal self so I'm lucky I found Dabi I smile looking at Dabi 'I won't wake him' I think before I purr and close my eye's going back to a blissful sleep

Dabi prospective

I grown as I open my eye's being blinded by sun and I quickly close them agin but I'm extremely confused when I fell something warm lying next to me and a dip in the bed I force my self to open my eye's and my eye's widen seeing a (hair color) haired girl wereing a long white shirt lying next to me "THE HELL!?!" I shout throwing the sheets off of my and the girl startles awake scrambling out of bed and hiding in the corner of the food just like (u) would when ever she's scared "l-let me explained Dabi" the girl says and I glare creating a small fire in my right hand "y-your gonna trip the sprinklers" the girl says pointing to the ceiling "who in the hell are you and how'd you get in here?" I snap making her jump "I-I'm (u) Dabi I know it's hard to believe b-but it's true" the girl claiming to be my cat (u) says and I look at her with an unbelieving scowl "I'm not an idiot your not (u) so tell me who you are before I decide to roast you" I warn "It's really me Dabi i swear! I am (u) I can prove it! I met you in the ally way on red brick street you were sitting there and I came over to you then a dog came and I tried to make it go away but you scared it off them you took me in it really is me Dabi please believe me" the girl says with the same big (eye color) pleading eye's that (u) always has and I let the flame in my hand go out "so? How is my cat suddenly a girl?" I question sitting on the eadge of the bed looking over at (u) who's no longer cowering in the corner but sitting on the floor looking up at me "long story" (u) laughs "I kinda got hit be a quirk and got turned into a cat" (u) explains

(u) prospective

"hmm? Interesting how are you human now?" Dabi ask's and my face turns a bit pink "so um... well.... it uh.... basically the thing is...." I say getting more flustered "never mind I'm guessing your hungry?" Dabi questions and I nod quickly "yes! yes! yes!" I grin and Dabi chuckles getting up walking out of the bedroom and I follow him into the kitchen "so? Do you like cat food or do you want food food?" Dabi ask's "food! I haven't have human food in forever!" I say happily "that's not true I gave you some human food" Dabi argues grabing some things from the fridge "yeah you tried to feed me some fish the one time I hate fish" I say and Dabi laughs while making some toast and coffee like normal "arnt cats supposed to love fish?" Dabi ask's amused "that's a myth not all cat's like fish just like all people like chocolate" I explain and Dabi shrugs "here" he says handing me a thing of toast and a cup of coffee I thank him and sit down at the table with Dabi and he watches me while I eat making it really awkward "Dabi why are you watching me eat?" I ask after taking a sip of coffee "it's kinda weird to know iv been taking care of a girl this hole time" Dabi admits and I almost choke making him laugh "so who were you before getting turned into a cat?" Dabi ask's "just a normal girl I guess speaking of tho I know it's a lot different then taking care of a cat but..... can I stay?" I ask and Dabi stays quite for a moment "do you know who I am?" Dabi ask's

Dabi prospective

"Your dabi" (u) says with her big innocence eye's "yeah but do you know the kinda person I am? You may not wanna stay with me if you knew" I say "it doesn't matter I'd like to stay" (u) says "hmm? So you wouldn't mind if I was a villain?" I question "not at all" (u) shrugs surprising me "so you done care that iv killed people?" I ask and (u) shakes her head "no" "your one weird girl you known kitten" I chuckle and (u)'s face lights up "k-kitten!?" (u) questions red faced "well your are my kitten after all"

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