Dabi x hero reader ~Solemate AU~

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You live in a world with quirks and at the same time that quirks manifested themselves So did the sole mate system every single person in the world has a sole mate but it's rather hard to find your lover because you can't hurt your sole mate and there no clue as to who your sole mate is so to find your partner you'll need to try and hurt them there are many people in the world who will just walk up to people and pinch them and then there are some that will full on try to kill the person to "test there love" it's very rare for people to actually find there true love the chances are 5 in 50 so in one life time only 10 people out of 100 will find there sole mate but when you do find your true love your bodies will start to glow for a minute or two and from that point on no matter what you do you'll never be able to hurt your sole mate and you'll never be able to unlove your partner

Dabi prospective

"Hay Dabi!! Do you know who your sole mate is!?" Toga ask's happily "no and do you actually believe in that crap?" I ask toga "of cores I do! I hope my sole mates cover head to toe in blood!!!" Toga giggles "psycho" I grumble under my breath 'I feel bad for her sole mate poor guy' I think running my finger around the rim of the beer can in my hand "Dabi get over here!" Shigaraki calls and I grown walking over "the hell you want?" I glare "I need you to go recruit (hero name)" handyman says "what!? Are you serious???" I question "wow! She's the number 3 hero!!!" Toga giggles "have fun Dabi~" toga teases and I glare "oh shut your mouth crazy" I snarl and toga giggles skipping over to twice "Shigaraki that's very unfair" Kugiri says trying to help my situation "how so?!" Shigaraki snaps "she is the number three hero you can't expect someone with her status to just join us" kugrir tries to reson "we'll try as many times as it takes then! we need her on the team now go try to recruit her Dabi and dont you dare do anything Stupid" Shigaraki shouts and I grumble curses under my breath storming out of the base making my way down town to hopefully find the gunpowder hero (hero name) and fortunately for me I find her relatively quickly 'that guy's gotta be insane' I think walking up to (hero name) who's signing an autograph for a little girl "bye! Have a grate day!" (Hero name) waves to the little girl as she walks away with her mum

(U) prospective

"ah today's been I long day" I say to myself stretching my arms when suddenly a hand is placed on my shoulder 'burn marks?' I question and look back at the person to see a guy wearing a hood trying to cover the burns on his body and I recognize him as Dabi but I'm in such a crowded area with his quirk he could kill hundreds before I could get the situation under control so I start to play dumb "hello sir can I help you?" I ask's offering a warm smile "can I get an autograph too?" The villain Dabi ask's "of cores" I nod "do you have something I could sign?" I question and he digs threw his pockets as he does so I put my hand on the match that's on my belt in case he takes a gun out but he hands me a small slightly charred piece of paper 'yeah it's definitely him' I think taking the paper staring to sign in "so should I address it to you? Dabi?" I question lookign up at him and he smirks "so you do know who I am?" He asks "yeah it's kinda hard not to recognize you what do you want? I'd rather not fight you here" I say as I finish signing the paper "just came to talk is all doll face" Dabi shrugs and I scowl hearing the Nick name "alright both you and I understand that this isn't gonna be a pretty fight so why don't we both walk away?" I suggest "only if you hear me out" Dabi says "fine" I sigh "alright just walk with me it looks suspicious just standing here and before you even think about it don't call for back up or the little girl over there is a goner" Dabi warns and I can see a small poof of smoke come from his palm "I understand" I nod walking down the street with one of Japan's most wanted criminals

Dabi prospective

"My boss wants you to join the league of villain's" I tell (hero name) and she covers her mouth with her hand trying her best not to laugh "it's not funny this is awful for me too so just say no so I can go back already" I scowl "pffff! Sorry- that's just- it's hilarious!" (hero name) giggles "yeah yeah laugh it up doll face" I grumble "hmph well you don't seem like a bad guy but the answers gonna half to be a no" (hero name) tells me "welp that's my job done I'll see ya round baby doll" I wave walking into an ally

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