Dabi x reader ~failed brake up~

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third person prospective

(u) and Dabi had been dating for years now they were both happy for the longest time but there was always one thing that Dabi couldn't get out of his mind 'what if she gets hurt because of me?' He always feared the worst when it came to (u) she wasn't a villain a thug or a bank robber she didn't even have a quirk what was he supposed to do if hero's found out that Dabi was dating (u)? What if he was captured? He'd be leaving (u) all alone there were so many different horrible scenarios Dabi had come up with from (u) get caught up in one of his crimes to being killed in a cross fire Dabi couldn't take it any more the thoughts scared him half to death and at the same time (u) knew somthing was wrong she knew there was somthing bothering Dabi but she never imagined he'd brake up with her

(U) prospective

"(u)" Dabi calls remorsfully and hearing the sadness and hurt in his voice I can already tell I don't like were the conversation is leading "is something wrong?" I ask "I'm breaking up with you" Dabi says flatly and my eye's widen "y-your joking right?" I ask trying to laugh it off but Dabi just looks at me before shaking his head and tears build up in my eye's "I'm sorry I can't date you" Dabi says as tears spill "b-but you said it your self y-you love me" i cry "I know what I said... and that's why I can't date you" Dabi says avoiding eye contact not wanting to watch me cry "wh-why Dabi? W-we can work this out! What ever I did I-I swear I won't do it agin" I sob and Dabi grids his teeth "no we can't talk it out (u) you need to move on" Dabi tells me as tears cascade down my red cheeks "i don't want to move on! I want to stay with you Dabi! please!!!" I beg "what did I do wrong? what ever I did I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" I cry and dabi's fists clench

Dabi prospective

"go (u)" I say not even able to look her in the eye 'god this hurts more than I thought it would' I think "p-please" (u) pleads and her voice cracks pulling at my heart strings "I'm doing this for your sake dame it stop making this so difficult!" I shout "Tell me why then! Why is this for my sake!? This isn't what I want!" (u) says "you won't understand" I say "well I want to understand just explain it to me!! Explain why!" (u) screams

(U) prospective

"Tell me why dame it!!" I shout and dabi pins my wrists to the wall behind me "i told you to go" Dabi growls glaring but I can see by the look in his eye's he's breaking on the inside I just look up at him not wavering "I know you don't want this" I say and dabi's glare falters for just a moment "your scared arnt you?" I ask and dabi's grip on my wrist tightens making me flitch "you don't want to brake up with me and I know you don't" I say and smile softly "just tell me why" I say and Dabi let's out a shaky breath as his expression contorts into a pained look as his hold on my wrists loosens and he rests his head on my shoulder "I don't know what to do...." Dabi admit bearly above a whisper as he releases my arms and I run my fingers threw his hair trying to Comfort him

Dabi prospective

"don't you understand?..... if you stay with me your only get hurt..." I say "I do understand that" (u) nods "then why stay? Why risk it?" I ask pulling away from (u) to look her in the eye "why put your self in danger?" I ask "because I love you that's why ya moron" (u) says giving an Ernest smile "now try braking up with me agin and our relationship won't be the only thing broken" (u) laughs "I imagine"

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