Dabi x undercover hero reader ~seduce~

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Thanks so much for the suggestion StaleChipsUnderMyBed !!!

! ! ! Don't play the song until I say ! ! !

One week ago
(U) prospective

"YOU'V GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!" I shout "(u) please just listen-" "listen!?! Why the hell shoudl I listen!? You want me to get killed don't you!?" I yell while hawks sits in the corner plugging his ears sweat dropping "(u) please hawks couldn't get much infromation because he wasn't close to the league of villains but if you try to seduce one of the members then-" "LIKE HELL!!! There's no way!" I scream almost making ears bleed "(u) there not saying you have to go on dates all the time or be a full time undercover hero they just want to see if you can get close to the league and if you can't then it'll be like nothing every happened" hawks explains shrugging "I still won't do it braking a person's heart is cruel" I protest "(u) please we need you for this plan to work and there villains braking a villains heart isnt that bad-" "isn't that bad!? It doesn't matter who even a villain has feelings and they shouldn't be tossed around like nothing!!! I won't do it!" I refuse for the hundredth time "ok well we'll sweeten the deal then" hawks says and my brow raises in curiosity "oh?" 

Current time
(u) prospective

'Dame bird I can't believe I agreed to this' I think grumbling as I get changed into a black crop top and rip jeans while tying up my hair so it stays out of my face
While I'm on stage 'it'll give you a chance to show off your singing he says it'll be fun he says you'll have a grate time he says... dame you hawks...' I think tapping my foot while I'm waiting back stage

A week ago
(u) prospective

"Alright so you want me to preform at a bar? How are you gonna get the league members to come?" I ask skeptically crossing my arms "I'll have some of the members meet up with me at the bar so we can discuss some things I'll text you when they arive then you can come on stage pick your target and use your quirk easy peasy!" Hawks grins

Present time
Hawks prospective

"Yo! We're here man!" Twice says tapping my shoulder and I see him Dabi and mr.compress 'nice all males' I think "alright! Now that you guy's are here why not join me for a drink?" I suggest offering the guy's some beer with a grin "were not here for drinks what is it you wanted to talk about?" Dabi ask's "oh c'mon dab's! Don't be so serious!" Twice says taking a seat next to me while taking the beer iv offerd "why are we here hawks?" Dabi ask's with his monotone expression "what? are we not allowed to go out every once in a while?" I question playfully "tch if that's all im outta here" Dabi says resting his hands in his pockets turning to leave "hay wait at least stay for the performance!" I say grabing dabi's shoulder "I said I'm leave-" suddenly I hear (u)'s voice and the hole bar goes silent as everyone looks at her on stage with gasps

(u) prospective

I look around the bar and take a deep breath before I start singing

~~🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶~~ Play the song ~~🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶~~

Let's fall in love for the night
And forget in the mornin'

Play me a song that you like
You can bet I'll know every line

I'm the boy that your boy hoped that you would avoid
Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, fuck that noise
I know better than to call you mine

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