Villain Dabi x hero reader ~it was an aciddent~

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Just a quick disclaimer I don't think I portrayed Dabi correctly in this one shot I feel like I made him a bit too soft so just a heads up

(U) prospective

I dodge another attack with ease as a group of about 11 villains are fighting against me and losing "just give up the police are on there way your cornered there's no getting out of this alive" i tell the villains "you don't know who your messing with! We're the next big organization! We'll prove more powerful than the league it's self!" One of the weaker members of the group shout and I chuckle "I'm sorry to disappoint but that won't be happening on my watch" I say before sending a shock wave of electricity towards the villains stunning a few of them like a taser leaving maybe 7 people "if you don't wanna get shocked I suggest surrendering" I say as the news helicopter appears above and i can hear police sirens in the distance "this is your last chance" I warn "we won't surrender!" The leader shouts and all the other people cheer in agreement I just sigh chuckling shaking my head in disappointment "oh well if you really want we can do this the hard way" I say charging my quirk to make another stunning shock wave as the villains are charging at me but in the corner of my eye I spot him and my eye's widen

Dabi prospective

I arrive on scene to watch (hero name) or (u) fight to find that she's fighting a larger amount of people and everyone's who's conscious is running at her when she catches sight of me her eye's widen and she freezes stairing at me in shock 'I guess no one expected me to show up any time soon' I think amused but then notice (u)'s forgotten about the fight and the group of villains lunging at her my eye's widen and she realizes somthing's wrong and snaps back into reality as a guy welding a scythe made of a shadow is mearly a few feet away from her and ready to attack with out thinking she uses all her charged up energy and releases it all at once striking the guy and he freezes in place everyone stops to stair in shock before he drops dead with a loud thud and the battlefield goes silent

(u) prospective

'What did I just do?' I think with wide eye's and I take a few steps away from the dead body my hands start to shake but I still have hope that he's still alive one of the man's comrades run over with tears running down there face as they kneel by the guys side and check there pulse they just sob after checking for a pulse and my heart stops 'I just killed a man' I think with glossy eyes and the villains I was fighting aginst all grab there unconscious allies starting to flee from the scene of the crime "your a monster you hear me!!! A KILLER!!!" The guy who checked the man that I killed's pulse screams wiping tears from his face before his disappears and I collapse onto the ground

Dabi prospective

(u) stands there for a second in utter shock as her eyes dull before she drops to her knees tears starting to well in her eyes hearing the news helicopter hovering above us her lip starts to quiver hands start to shake and body starts to tremble she sits there for a few seconds while I keep my distance but debate about approaching her and as I'm about to walk over she looks over at me with teary desperate (eye color) eye's and guilt overwhelms me cuz deep down I know that it's my fault this happened she had everything under control if I hadn't shown up everything would have been ok and (u) wouldn't be on her knees sobbing as the sirens in the distance neared closer "I'm so sorry" I whisper even tho I know that she can't hear me sence we're standing almost 20 yards away from each other but i mean it I really am sorry she's never gonna get the chance to be a grate hero the media already knows and hero's are probably on there way to arrest (u) there's absolutely no way (u) could get out of this situation' after catching my breath that I didn't realize I was holding I Start to walk over towards (u) calmly

(u) prospective

Dabi makes eye contact with me before starting to walk towards me and I jump to my feet "s-stay back!" I scream absolutely horrified taking multiple steps back wards tripping and falling onto the ground trembling still trying to back away from Dabi before he crouches down infront of me "I'm not gonna hurt you you need to come with me" Dabi says reaching out to me offering a hand and the tears in my eyes spill "I can help" Dabi tells me and I hesitantly take his hand and he pulls me to my feet "I-i didn't mean-" "I know. I know you didn't it was just an accident self defense you were only protecting yourself I know but they won't understand that so you gotta come with me" Dabi says I nod not knowing what els I'm supposed to do and after lots of running down ally ways and lots of tears Dabi stops outside of a run down bar and finally let's go of my hand "don't say anything and stay behind me" Dabi says and I nod sniffling before he walks into the bar and I follow closly behind and my eye's widen seeing all the members of the league and there all staring at me Dabi walks right past of most of them and I meekly follow trying my hardest not to make eye contact with anyone but someone stands in dabi's path stopping him from walking and I accidental run into him stumbling back wards a bit before catching myself "who's she?" The guy I recognize as Shigaraki ask's glaring "a possible asset" Dabi says in a threateningly warning tone "she's a hero what asset could she be to us?" Shigaraki ask's

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