Dabi x Insecure reader ~ beautiful~

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Thanks so much for the request @moonlightdragon04 I'm real sorry but I couldn't think of a way to be embarrassed of the personality if you'd like me to write another scenario for that I totally will if that's what you want thanks agin and i hope you enjoy!

Third person prospective

(u) had always been insecure about her self especially her weight even tho she was stunning she was still always nervous about her looks every time (u) looked in a mirror she immediately started hating on her self hurting her self-esteem before (u) started dating Dabi she started taking weight loss pills even tho she had no reson to but it made her feel better about her self and every sence (u) was little she'd work out to try and lose as much weight as possible Dabi really didn't take any notice to this until (u) started eating less and less she'd wouldn't eat for day's at a time and he was starting to worry he wondered if (u) was sick but he wasn't quite sure what was going on until he stumbled across some pills

(u) prospective

"Hay (u) what'd you want for dinner?!" Dabi ask's from the kitchen "umm... I'm good thanks i don't need anything!" I tell him "really? You'v gotta be hungry you didn't eat breakfast and you skipped lunched at least eat something" Dabi says "no thank you I had an apple earlier I'm really not that hungry thank you tho" I say "ok then suit your self" Dabi shrugs making him self some dinner before joining me in the living room to watch some (favorite tv show) and after watching a few episodes Dabi gets up "we're are you going?" I ask looking back at him as he walks into the kitchen "I'm gonna grab some pop corn I'll be right back" Dabi says and I nod turning my attention back to the tv as Dabi gets a snack and returns with a bucket of popcorn as he sits down next to me he offers me come pop corn "no thanks Dabi" I say shaking my head and dabi's eye brows Furrow "c'mon eat the dame pop corn" Dabi says and I sigh taking some pop corn whitch is suprisingly really really REALLY good as we continue to watch more tv I'm tempted to take some more pop corn but every time I'm just about to take the pop corn I think about how many pounds it'll add and I stop my self

Dabi prospective

'I can see that (u)'s hands twitching she REALLY wants the pop corn' I think watching (u)'s fingers twitch "you want some more pop corn?" I offer (u) "u-um no thank you" (u) shakes her head no and I move the pop corn closer to her face "you sure?" I ask trying to temp her but she doesn't bite "n-no thank you" (u) says and I sigh 'maybe if I leave the pop corn' I think setting the pop corn down next to (u) "hay (u) I'll be right back" I say getting up off the couch heading to the restroom but something catches my eye when I walk into the bath room in the trash can there's a empty pill bottle 'pills? Nether me or (u) have anything prescribed' I think confused examining the container 'diet pills??? She's starving her self' I think putting the empty pill bottle back in the trash can 'and I normally wouldn't go threw (u)'s things but this once should be ok' I think rummaging threw (u)'s cabinet on her side of the sink and I end up finding three different bottles of diet pill's I sigh and open each of them emptying the contents into the toilet flushing them down the drin before throwing the empty containers away 'that's better' I think walking back into the living room disappointed to see that (u) hasn't touched the pop corn 'now that I'm thinking about it she really is thin' I think sitting down next to (u)

(u) prospective

After watching movie after movie with Dabi we decide to hit the sack and while Dabi gets changed I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth after spitting out the tooth paste I look into the mirror and frown my eye brows furrow as I poke my cheek and pull at the hem of the shirt anxiously 'I'll just take another pill' I think and open my cab it searching for my diet pills but my search becomes frantic after not being able to find them "h-hay Dabi! Do you know where my pills are!?" I ask not really wanting to specify in the "diet" part "yeah I know where they are" I hear Dabi say suprising me sence he never goes threw my things with out my permission "you do? Where are they?" I ask walking out of the bathroom so I can hear Dabi better "I threw them away" Dabi shrugs "y-you what!? Dabi I need those!" I complain "You don't need them (u)" Dabi says nonchalantly and I glare "jerk..." I mumble upset

Dabi prospective

"(u) don't be mad I just don't think you need them your gonna starve your self taking those things" I explain to (u) who has her backed turned to me as she's lying in bed beside me "Dabi you don't understand I need them" (u) argues rolling over to face me "ok why do you need them?" I ask and (u) doesn't answer "if you tell me I'll pick some up tomorrow" I lie and (u) things about it for a second "because with out them I d0nt look so pretty..." (u) mumbles to were I can bearly hear her "Baby doll look at me I'm covered head to toe in burns" I chuckle "but it makes you look handsome" (u) says "and a few extra pounds won't make you look any less beautiful" I reassure (u) pecking her forehead "thanks for that..." (u) says "no problem don't be so hard on your self all the time" I tell (u) ruffling her hair a bit and she swats at my hand making me laugh "alright get some sleep beautiful"

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