Dabi x single abused mother ~part two~

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This will be the final part to this request
agin thanks so much StaleChipsUnderMyBed !!!

Third person prospective

It's been a about 6 months now sence (u) joined the league and a few weeks sence she and Dabi started dating word spread around the league pretty quickly and everyone was thrilled but the most exited of all of them was (son's name) he finally got the dad he never had slowly but surly (son's name) started talking a bit more around the other league members after months of living at the leagues base along side the villains (u) learned that these people arnt just psychopaths there humans with tragic pasts that deserve justice so (u) took pride in helping the league and the league and especially Dabi wanted to keep (u) and her son safe tho Dabi made it very clear to everyone that nether (u) or (son's name) will be involved in any crimes and because of that (u) and (son's name) are allowed to go we're ever they like in public with out risking being caught unfortunately hero's weren't the people the league should have been worried about

Dabi prospective

"Hay Dabi! Do you know where (son's name) is?" (u) ask's "in here" I say from the bar and she walks in and smiles "there you are (son's name) I was looking for you are you having fun?" (u) ask's and (son's name) nods "well I'm gonna go stop by the grocery store Kugiri wants me to grab some dinner would you like me to pick anythign up?" (u) ask's "I don't think I need anything have fun tho" I say pecking (u)'s cheek "Hmph! You wanna come (son's name)?" (u) ask's (son's name) as he's sat at one of the bar stools "yeah" (son's name) nods "ok then c'mon" (u) smiles smiling grabing his hand walking to the door with him "wait arnt you coming?" (Son's name) ask's looking back at me "nah iv gotta stay here bud remember? I can't go into public" I say "oh..." (son's name) sighs "I'll see you and your mom when you get back tho we can play a game or somthing" I offer and (son's name) nods before leaving with (u) "I never saw you as the fatherly type Dabi" Kugiri says "what ever..."

(U) prospective

"Hay look (son's name) there's an ice cream shop would you like to get some on the way back?" I ask and (son's name) nods "alright then first we need to grab some food tho" I say and after a bit of walking me and (son's name) walk into the grocery store "(son's name) what'd you feel like having for diner this week?" I ask "....chicken" (son's name) says and I nod "alright then that sounds good to me" I say walking to grab some chicken "(u)" I hear a stern voice call and I turn around to see (ex's nam) I glare and hide (son's name) behind me "what do you want?" I ask harshly "what a tone" (ex's name) says rolling his eye's "I'm here for (son's name)" (ex's name) says and my eye's widen while (son's name) hides even more "what do you want with him????" I ask "I have every right to 50% custody and besides you don't even have a job you can't take care of him just-" "I can and I will go I'm not letting you take (son's name)" I glare "well then I guess I'll just take the case to the courts then" (ex's name) shrugs as he turns to leave "I'll see ya around (u)"

Dabi prospective

The doors to the base open and (u) walks in with (son's name) trailing behind her "hay (u) how was-...... the trip...?" I ask but (u) doesn't even look at me as she walks past me going to her room leaving (son's name) with me "...what happened kiddo?" I ask after (u) disappears around the corner and (son's name) says quite looking down at his feet "this is important bud" I sigh picking (son's name) up "why's your mom upset?" I ask "we... ran into him..." (son's name) says with an upset look on his face "I-I didn't do anything when mommy was scared" (son's name) says while his voice cracks and I can't help but see my self in him 'gah this kid...' "you did the right thing buddy I'm proud I'm gonna go talk to your mom so stay put for a minute alright?" I ask and (son's name) nods I smile a bit putting him back down before ruffling his hair making him laugh "I'll be right back bud"

(u) prospective

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dabi ask's appearing in the door way "how did you-" "(son's name) told me what happened" Dabi sighs walking up to me as I wipe away the tears from my eye's "h-he's gonna take him from me" I choke and Dabi gives me a sympathetic look "don't worry about this (u) I won't let him take (son's name)" Dabi reassures me "but If (ex's name) takes this to the courts then- I-I don't have a way to make money there's no way th-they'd let me keep him" I say wither glossy (eye color) eye's "I told you not to worry about it didnt i? (son's name) isn't going anywhere" Dabi tells me "now c'mon he's worried about his mom" Dabi smiles

(Son's name) prospective

Mommy and Dabi walk into the room and I quickly rush over to mommy hugging her legs "I wanna stay! I don't wanna go with him!" I say "dont worry bud we have the hole thing figured out your not gonna be taken" Dabi reassures me ruffling my hair and mommy smiles nodding her head "yep your stayin with me and Dabi kiddo" mommy grins "promise?" I ask "promise" mommy and Dabi nod

That night
Dabi prospective

"your leaving right now? Are you sure you'll be alright?" (u) ask's as I get up seeing that (son's name) is passed out and I nod "I'll be back before morning it'll be quick" I say placing a quick kiss on (u)'s lips before pecking (son's name)'s forhead "I'll be back soon" I say walking to the door and after closing it behind me I meet up with Kugiri in the bar "you sure about this?" Kugiri ask's me "as sure as I'll ever be" I nod "alright then" Kugiri says making me a portal whitch disappears behind me once I walk threw 'now this won't take me long at all' I think activating my quirk

That same night
(u) prospective

After hours of waiting the door's to the base finally open and my head turns in that direction and I smile tackling Dabi into a hug "geez I told you I wouldn't be long" Dabi chuckles "did you do it? Is he gone?" I ask Dabi nods and I can't help but tear up a bit "thanks Dabi" I smile hugging him tighter "I still don't understand why I didn't do it before" Dabi shrugs letting me go "and now that that's dealt with" Dabi says digging threw his pocket grabing a small box before getting down on one knee and my eye's fill with tears as he open's the small box revealing the most beautiful ring with a turquoise rose "my god..." I gasp trying not to cry "so... will you marry me (u)?" Dabi ask's trying not to make eye contact with me and I grin bear hugging Dabi making him topple over "did you even have to ask?" I ask smiling brightly

 will you marry me (u)?" Dabi ask's trying not to make eye contact with me and I grin bear hugging Dabi making him topple over "did you even have to ask?" I ask smiling brightly

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Third person prospective

after (u) and Dabi got engaged the league quickly found out and threw a party the wedding was held in (favorite place in the world) (u) wore a breath taking and untraditional turquoise dress while Dabi begrudgingly wore a (blue/black) tuxedo the hole league was there and (son's name) was the ring boy while toga was the flower girl witch she'd always wanted to be the wedding was short and sweet Afterwords Dabi and (u) were officially married but the most exited out of everyone was (son's name) because Dabi officially became his father after adopting him the faimly of three was as happy as you could imagine

(u) prospective

"hay (son name)! C'mere real quick!" I shout and (son's name) tilts his head seeing both me and Dabi "am I in trouble?..." (son's name) ask's slowly approaching us "not at all bud" Dabi laughs "we have a really important question tho" I say pulling (son's name) onto my lap and he look's up at me and Dabi questioningly tilting his head to the side and I smile looking at Dabi before back down at (son's name) "how do you feel about being a big brother?"

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