Depressed Dabi x reincarnated reader

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I don't write angst! This has a happy ending if you read to the end!
Third person prospective

(u) and Dabi had dated each other for years they'd grown up together and ran away together they did everything together both Dabi and (u) loved one another very much they weren't the perfect couple they fought some times they'd get mad at each other every once in a while but even so they were still both very happy and they both would have done anything to keep it that way

(u) prospective

"Man this is boring" Dabi grumbles as we walk threw the maze of ally way's "it's not that bad at least we're not stuck at the base" I shrug and then I hear a noise making me turn around "what's the hold up?" Dabi ask's looking back at my over his shoulder as he rests his hands behind his head "did you hear that?" I ask "your just hearing things (u) c'mon let get back before Shigaraki snaps at us agin" Dabi sighs and I hesitate before following him threw the ally "d-dabi this place gives me the creeps" i say "it's just an ally" Dabi says "y-yeah but.... I feel like we're being watched" I say "no one's out here (u) this is the deserted part of town" Dabi says but despite his words I see something from the corner of my eye coming straight towards Dabi and with out thinking I jump infront of Dabi shoving him out of the way

Dabi prospective

My eye's widen seeing (u) spit up blood after a knife stabs her threw her chest and I glare immediately turning the guy who stabbed (u) to ash "hay (u) look at me" I plead holding (u) "I don't... think this is gonna be a pretty scar Dabi..." (u) chuckles weakly as her eye's water "just hold on (u) I'm calling help" I say scrabbling to find my phone in my pocket but (u) places her hand on mine "Dabi... I want you to burn my body..." (u) says bearly above a whisper "don't say that (u) I'm gonna call Kugiri and your gonna be fine" I say as (u) smiles sadly cupping my face "don't lie Dabi..." (u) says softly and I grab her hand placed on my cheek "please don't..."  "I love you Dabi..."

(U) prospective

"Dabi?" I call as my eye's slowly flutter open and I see dabi's backed turned to me as he cries into my hair holding my body close to him 'w-wait that's my body' I think and look down at my feet to see- 'PAW'S!?! I'm a cat?!? And my favorite cat too!!' I think seeing my black fur and i scamper over to Dabi nuzzling my head aginst his ankle "scram cat" Dabi glares after spreading my ashes "it's me Dabi!" I say but my words come out as nothing more than soft meow's as Dabi starts to walk back to the base "wait up!!" I call chasing after Dabi but of cores he doesn't stop because he can't understand me

Dabi prospective

Once I walk into the base I walk past Shigaraki and twice not even looking at them "where's (u)?" Toga ask's and I glare "she's gone" I hiss before walking past toga as tears well up in her eye's and that stupid black cat that's been following me jumps into toga's arms licking her tears away I just scoff walking to the bar

(u) prospective

"Hay Dabi what's the cats name?" Toga ask's as Dabi downs his 16th glass "I don't know" Dabi says "well then why don't we name her (u)!!" Toga grins and Dabi slams the glass down on the bar counter "that thing isn't (u)!! don't even think about naming that mangy cat after her!!" Dabi shouts "c'mon Dabi it suits her she has the same colored eye's as (u) and everything! Don't you think it's a coincidence she showed up the same day (u)-" "shut the fuck up!!!" Dabi yells jumping out of his seat storming past Toga and everyone calling after him "I'm leaving!" Dabi snaps walking to the door 'I'm really sorry about this Toga!' I think as I scratch her hand making her drop me and I quickly run after Dabi following him out the door just before it shuts behind him

Dabi prospective

'I'm an idiot if I'd just listen to her' I think hiding my face in my hands 'god if I'd just listened to her..' I think pulling at my hair but my head shoots up when somthing jumps up onto my lap and I glare down at the stupid fur ball "scram cat!" I glare getting ready to wack the cat off of me but the black ball of fur look's me in the eye's sitting perfectly still while I stair into its (eye color) eye's 'they.... really are similar to (u)'s....' I think lowering my hand and the cat meow's curling up into a ball on my lap "she always said black cats were her favorite..." I think looking down at the cat 'she'd kill me if she knew I left it on the street' I think remembering how (u) yelled at me the one time I kicked a cat after that I didn't even dare to glare at one I think smiling a bit but that smile fades when I remember (u)'s not here to yell at me any more

(U) prospective

"Come on cat" Dabi sighs standing up waking me up from my cat nap and I follow him as he starts to walk down the street back to our apartment Dabi almost immediately goes to bed when we get inside and he doesn't even bother to close the door so like usual I do it for him before joining Dabi to get some well deserved sleep I mean dying does take it's tole

Third person prospective

After months Dabi became more and more depressed he'd purposely over use his quirk to burn him self and he'd started cutting him self recently too adding to his abundance of scars yet Dabi couldn't feel any of it Dabi started hanging out with the league less and less until he bearly stoped by maybe once every two or three months during this time dabi completely neglected to look after (u) he even neglected to take care of him self for that mater Dabi would have starved if (u) didn't porously leave the fridge door open an Dabi kept getting worse and worse (u) didnt know how to help her depressed boyfriend

Dabi prospective

'There's no reson for me to stay any more' I think getting out of bed after spending hours of thinking about (u) instead of getting sleep I sigh and throw on a jacket lying the old picture of me and (u) down before walking to the door and I slowly walk threw the apartment's hall way remembering how (u) used to get so exited when ever she got to run down the hall's whitch i never understood but non the less enjoyed watching as I walk up the stairs numbly feeling my way threw the dark i finally get to the roof of the 20 story apartment building I walk to the ledge of the building hopping over the rail looking down at the concrete bellow me 'I'll get to see you soon enough (u)'

(u) prospective

"DON'T DO IT!!!" I scream and my eye's shoot open I frantically look around the room my eye's swiveling left to right in a panic not seeing Dabi anywhere and I jump out of bed sprinting as fast as my short furry legs can take me I bound threw the hall jumping up the stairs before ramming into the door bursting it open my eye's widen seeing Dabi standing on the edge of the roof and I run over to him prying that I'll stop him in time and just before Dabi can let him self fall to his death I leap onto him pushing him backwards making in topple over falling back words and I jump ontop of his chest hissing at him "MORON!!! Do you think killing your self would make me happy!?!" I scream and dabi's eye's widen as do mine "god... it's you isn't it?" Dabi ask's sitting up and I nod my fluffy face "don't leave ever agin" Dabi says hugging my small cat body tightly aginst his chest "then your not allowed to kill your self dumbass"

If your depressed or even just feeling sad and down I'm here to talk

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