Car sick dabi x bad driver reader ~road trip~

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third person prospective

While most the league members were at the bar having drinks way too early in the morning for there own good Dabi and (u) were in there rooms packing for an upcoming trip the couple had made plans to go to a concert but unfortunately both (u) and Dabi over slept so they were rushing to pack there things and get ready

(u) prospective

"You have everything?!" Dabi ask's me from the bath room "I think so!" I nod as I finish throwing some clothes into a large bag "ok! we have to go! c'mon!" I say dragging Dabi out of the bathroom and I quickly grab the key's to the car the league stole a while back "we'll see you guy's when we get back!" I wave as me and Dabi run threw the bar "have fun!" Toga smiles "you better come back!" Shigaraki shouts "who know's we may never return!" Dabi blurts as we get to the door "we'll be back" I laugh before closing the door behind us and I hop into the drivers side of the car while Dabi sits in the passenger's seat after we throw our bags into the back "alright! Concert here we come!" I grin "yeah I know we're kinda in a rush but I get car sick so no speeding" Dabi says as I start the car "you'll be fine"

Time skip 5 minutes
Dabi prospective

"Fine my ass your a horrible driver" I grumble looking out the window trying not to hurl "I'm not that bad of a driver!" (u) argues "yeah tell that to my stomach" I huff as (u) continues to drive down the road just making my car sickness worse "god can you not drive in a straight line???" I ask (u) "I am driving straight!" (u) argues "just stop pull into that drive threw or somthing" I say holding my breath trying not to puke my guts out "food sounds nice" (u) says making a sharp turn into the fast food place "gah! Quit that!" I snap "gee sorry I didn't know you were that sensitive" (u) shrugs pulling up onto the line "what do you want?" (u) ask's "a new driver" I say relaxing now that the car's stoped moving and (u) pouts "hello what can I get you?" "We'd apparently like a (favorite drink) and a new driver please" (u) says "umm... I'm sorry ma'am we don't offer any drivers..." the voice over the speaker sweat drops "oh well sorry Dabi they don't have a new driver what els ya want?" (u) ask's and I glare "water..."

(U) prospective

"There you go have a nice day!" The lady giving me our food says and I thank her handing Dabi the food before pulling out of the dive threw "put me out of my misery" Dabi whines as I drive up onto the road "yeah I'm the worst driver now gimme the drink" I say and Dabi sighs handing me my (favorite drink) as he sulks drinking his water "I'm not that bad" I say and Dabi glares slightly "not that bad? Pfff the lizard drives better then you" Dabi says "well soRRy it's not my fault I never learned how to drive a car" I say and Dabi spits out his drink "Alright that's it! pull over I'm driving"

Dabi prospective

"Why did I let you drive in the first place?" I ask (u) as I'm driving properly down the high way "I don't know" (u) shrugs and I sigh looking at the road ahead of me before (u)'s favorite song writen by the band were going to see comes on and she smiles starting to sing along "your voice is pretty good" I admit "oh? You think? It's probably just because iv listened to this song over and over" (u) laughs as the suns strating to set "what time is it?" (u) ask's yawning "8 o'clock the concert starts at 9 we're probably a half hour away" I say and (u) sleepily nods
Time skip 10 minutes
"God you really fell alseep huh? I guess we're not going to the concert after all" I chuckle seeing that (u)'s passed out "I guess we'll just have to see the concert some other time"

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