Dabi x Sick Reader ~Wake Up~

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while!😆

Third person prospective

(u) had always been a sickly child she was born with a weak immune system and a disease which made it terribly hard to breath yet even so all she wanted was to be like any other child running around out side playing tag with her friends at the park but no one wanted to play with the sick little girl at the play ground so every day when (u) was little she'd sit on a play ground bench hoping and praying someone would play with her but no one every did infact the older kids would bully her calling her names like "cootie girl" or they'd make fun of behind (u) behind her back when all the kids got older and developed quirks the teasing got physical they decided it would be fun to throw rocks at the weird kid but one day a boy around your age with bright red hair and turquoise eye's appeared "Hay can't you see she doesn't want you throwing rocks at her?! Go pick on someone your own size!" After getting a little ruffed up the little boy had the other kids chased off he introduced him self and (u) and him both became friends quickly he was the first friend (u)'d ever made and she was hesitant to tell Dabi about her illness but he eventually found out and didn't seem to mind at all if anything he bacame more aware of what he should and shouldn't play with (u) they both grew up together and when toya ran away (u) ran with him

(U) prospective

"Dabi (u) hurry up we're waiting on your to start the meeting!!!" I hear Shigaraki shout from down the hall "right! we'll be right there!" I yell starting to walk faster but Dabi grabs the back of my shirt stopping me "Don't exhaust Your self your find he's just an impatient brat we're not even late the meeting isn't supposed to start for another 10 minutes" Dabi tells me and I nod before he lets go of my shirt and we enter the bar I quickly take a seat and Dabi casually sits down next to me with his arms behind his neck and his eye's lazily closed "Finally let's get started" Shigaraki says and continues on to explain that the league will be attacking the UA school me Dabi toga and twice will attack the dorms while the rest of the team attacks the main campus and distracts the teachers "does everyone understand?" Shigaraki ask's "yup! Nope!" Twice says shaking and then nodding his head "understood" I nod while Dabi shrugs and toga hyperly jumps up and down "this is so exiting!! (u) we'll be the best team!!" Toga cheers pulling me out of my seat clapping my hands making me jump up and down with her and my head starts to spin while I feel light headed "T-toga-" "ah hyper iv told you before quit that" dabi scolds pulling toga off of me and I let out a sigh of relief catching my breath "iv got your inhaler right here if you need it" Dabi says "thank you but I'm alright" I smile and toga squeals "Awww!! You two should totally date!! I'm telling ya'll! You'd be adorable together!!!"

Dabi prospective

(u)'s cheeks turn pink and I smirk poking her cheek "is that a blush I see?~" I tease making (u)'s face turn a bright red "it isnt!" (u) says flustered before marching out of the bar and I chuckle sitting back down at the bar having kugiri grab me a drink while Shigaraki twice and toga converse with them selves "you know Dabi your gonna hurt her feelings if you keep teasing her like that" Kugiri tells me handing me a shot "I'm just playin' with her she knows I'm just teasing" I shrug downing a shot "*sigh* your so oblivious" Kugiri sighs going back to polishing a glass leaving me confused

Time skip
(u) prospective

The door to my room opens and Dabi sits next to me as iv sat on the floor playing with the water I'm using my quirk in creating a small little butterfly made out of water "your quirk's always so pretty" Dabi says and I can smell the alcohol in his breath "Are you drunk?" I ask "Only a little" Dabi shrugs and I sigh "you should watch how much you drink dabi" I say in a serious tone "oh? Your my mother now? Are you worried about me?~" Dabi teases poking my cheek 'he's always like this!!' I think smacking his hand away "your such a jerk of corse I'm concerned about you you idiot! You drink all the time your over using your quirk you almost got hurt last week and-" Dabi puts his hand on top of my head and I stop talking "your gonna hyperventilate if you keep ranting on like that go to bed I'll see you tomorrow morning for the mission" Dabi says patting my head getting up "night..." I sigh "good night" Dabi says before closing the door to my room

The next day
Dabi prospective

"Ready for the mission!?" Toga ask's jumping up and down "yep" (u) nods and I shrug while twice shouts nonsense "if you four are prepared the portal is open the others have already made it to the main campus" Kugiri says "Alright let's get goin! I'm scared I don't wanna go!" Twice says walking threw the portal and everyone follows walking into the UA dorms which have erupted into chaos kids running everywhere quirks going off things flying people screaming it's more of a war zone than a school "(u) come with me twice toga you go that way" Dabi says pointing to a hall leading to some more rooms "my quirk suits toga better Dabi if I go with you I'll just put out your flames I'm gonna go with toga stay with twice we'll meet back up here later" I say jogging over to toga "you'd better keep an eye on her toga!" Dabi shouts after hesitantly taking off with twice "Got cha!" Toga chirps and me and her run down the halls "t-toga slow down a bit I can't keep up!"

Time skip
still (u) prospective

it's been a while sence everyone split up me and toga have taken care of most the kids in our section but iv used so much energy it's getting harder to breath "hay toga" I call weakly as my vision starts blurring together "what's up?" Toga ask's and my breathing gets heaver as she walks up to me carrying two full bottles of blood "we're's Dabi?" I ask Inbetween sharp inhales "he's on his way but are you alright? Ya look a little pale" toga says and just as I'm blacking out from the corner of my eye I see Dabi and twice

Dabi prospective

"Yo toga we're here! Where are we?" Twice says waving as we walk into the room toga and (u) have ended up in but worry immediately sets in when I see (u)'s harsh labored breaths and she looks over at me with hazed over eyes before she passes out "toga catch her!!" I shout sprinting over to (u) and toga grabs (u)'s arm just before she hits the floor "Toga what the hell happened!?!" I shout lying (u) down while speed dialing kugiri "I don't know she just fainted!" Toga says voice dripping with guilt and worry I check (u)'s pulse and make sure she's breathing before kugiri picks up the phone "dab-" "portal now! (u) collapsed we need a portal!" I shout into the phone and soon a portal apears I pick (u) up carefully and carry her threw the portal quickly taking her to her room lying her down rummaging threw her medicine cabinet cursing to myself while the league stands in the door way looking over at (u) with worried gazes "make your selves useful and soak that in water!" I order throwing a towel and toga scampers off to drench it

Time skip three days later
Kugiri prospective

I walk into (u)'s room to once agin find Dabi by (u)'s bed side hunched over faced buried in the sheets while he holds (u)'s hand "if (u) was awake she's scold you for not eating" I say placing a tray of food next to Dabi "she's not awake is she?" Dabi retorts not moving a muscle "I'm guessing this is the first time this has happened?" I question "a few hours" Dabi says pausing "that's normally how long it takes her to recover it's been three days I don't know what to do she hasn't move at all this only happened because I wasn't there to watch out for her..." Dabi says mumbling the last part "you know that's not true this happened because she pushed herself too far" I say "because she was trying to prove a point and I wasn't listening to her! She was worried about me so she tried doing the work her self but she- she's just not used to being in the front line I shouldn't have left her with toga" Dabi says starting to shake wether with fear anger of regret I don't quite know but I have I feeling I should leave him be instead of scolding him

(U) prospective Your still asleep

'My chest aches it's hard to breath and my eye lids are heavy but even so I can still faintly hear dabi's voice "(u) can you hear me?" Dabi ask's 'yes, yes I can hear you Dabi I want to see you I want to tell you but I can't open my eye's I can't even move a bone in my body I feel like I'm frozen in place' I think trying my hardest to open my eye's "I know iv been teasing you a lot and... I'm really sorry I care about you a lot I didn't mean anything I'v said I just teased you cuz I was too scared to admit my own feelings" Dabi says and my breath hitches "please please wake up"

Dabi prospective

I feel (u)'s hand twitch and I jolt up "wake up wake up wake up" I repeat over and over pleadingly and slowly but surly (u) opens her eye's and i immediately hug her carful not to crush her tho and (u) chuckles horsily "what we're those feelings you were talking about?" (u) ask's smiling weakly

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