Injured Dabi x nurse reader ~naïve~

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Third person prospective

Dabi was being his normal Dabi self and got into a fight in the back ally way's of cores he won but not with out getting dealt some injuries him self some guy mane he'd to sneak up behind Dabi while he was distracted and stabbed him in the side before Dabi cremated the guy Dabi needed to find a place to stay and soon there were hero's our every were and in dabi's state he wouldn't be able to fight them much lest stand if he didn't get help soon unfortunately for Dabi he was miles away from the leagues base and his phone died so he had no way of contacting his comrades he'd half to risk being caught in the streets or take shelter some were

(u) prospective

"yes Ashly I know I'll come visit you some time but I'm really busy so I can't right now and-" suddenly as I'm in the phone a loud bangs echoes threw the hall way of my apartment "sorry Ashly I gotta go" I apologize hanging up and I put my phone down walking to the door creaking it open and sparing out side to see a tall black haired man with purple burns covering his body sitting aginst the wall of the hall way trying not to pass out as he clutches his bleeding side "oh my god" I gasp seeing his injury and the man's attention turns to me and he sends a warning glare whitch I ignore rushing over taking his hand away from the stab wound "it need stitches I can help just put pressure in the wound until the bleeding stops and-" "go away mind your own dame business" the man hisses "that's no way to talk to someone who's trying to help you come on I have some supplies in my apartment I'm a nurse in training at a near by hospital I can help" I say pulling the guy to his feet he tries to yank his arm away from me but with his current strength he really can't fight me

Dabi prospective

The (hair color) haired woman drags me into her apartment "let go I'll burn you to ash" I warn trying to act tuff but by the way I'm stumbling over my own feel and tripping over my words it's pretty obvious I'm in no way capable of burning anything right now "yeah I'd like to see you try with that injury stay here I'll be right back" the girl says before disappearing down a hall and I sigh sitting on the couch she left me on "man this sucks" I grumble looking down at the gash in my side and I grimace before looking away letting my shirt fall back down over the cut as I try to get up the girl comes back into the room with her hands full of medical supplies "oh hell no your not using those on me" I argue "like hell I am now don't be a baby stay still and lift up your shirt" the girl says and I stay quite for a moment "your pretty straight forward huh?" I question and her face flushed "oh shut up! I can't help your shirt is covering the stab wound!!" The girl blushes and I chuckle

(u) prospective

"your awfully fun to tease" the guy laughs uncovering the gash in his side "wow that's a pretty nasty cut" I say squatting down on the floor so I can work on the injury "how'd you get it?" I ask "a fight" the guy shrugs "must have been a pretty bad fight if you got this what's your name?" I ask cleaning the wound with water before I pour some hydrogen peroxide in the wound and the guy hisses gridding his teeth while glaring "it's just a disinfectant" I laugh "yeah that hurt" the guy grumbles looking away from me as I let the hydrogen peroxide work it's magic as I wait and the guy isn't observing me I look over the burns littering his body and I grimace thinking of how painful it must have been "I can feel you starring at me it's rude" the guy sighs but I don't pay much attention "did it hurt?" I question running my finger over the burn on his hand and he looks over at me questioningly "why do you care?" He asks "because I can tell they really hurt you must have been threw a lot" I say looping some thread threw a needle "I guess..." the guy says going back to looking away from me "my names (u)" I say ".......Dabi" the guy says "interesting that's a funny name iv never hurd it before" I say

Dabi prospective

"your pretty naïve huh?" I ask (u) "what do you mean?" She asks "you let a complete stranger into your house and a suspicious one with a stab wound at that" I say looking down at (u) "hold still this may sting" she says before looping the thread under my skin and I flinch "sorry normally I would give you a local aesthetic but I don't have any on hand I can get you a pill for pain if you want?" (u) offers "it's fine" I say as she ties off the first stitch "You still didn't answer my question from earlier" I say as she starts the next stitch "what question?" (u) ask's "That your pretty naïve" I say and (u) laughs lightly tying off the suture "I guess but I just want to help people no matter there back story or situation is all" (u) says and I hum in response before she ties 3 more stitches "There all done are you hurt any were els?" (u) ask's dusting her self off as she gets up off the floor picking up the medical supplies "no" I say "alright then I'll put this all up I'll be right back stay here"

(U) prospective

I go to the bathroom to put away my first aid kit before I walk back into the living room just to find that dabi's not there "Dabi? I thought I told you to stay put" I say looking around but then I see a small note on my coffee table infront of the couch "Thanks for the help (u) hopefully our next meeting you won't have to give me any stitches but in the mean time try not to let any more strangers with stab wounds into your apartment I'll see you around some time -dabi" I read "ungrateful jerk! I'd better see you some time soon or els I'm gonna give you a reason to need stitches!"

Dabi x Reader ~One Shots~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon