Dabi x reader ~revenge~

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I have not read the manga myself so this is not accurate I made this all up

(u) prospective

"Dabi we need to go!!!" I scream as dabi's enveloped in his own flames "THERES NO WAY!!" Dabi grins sadisticly at his father who's trying to fend off dabi's flames futilely "IV BEEN WAITING FOR THIS CHANCE FOR YEARS NOW!! YOUR GONNA DIE TODAY ENJI TODOROKI!!" Dabi shouts creating even more flames setting blaze to everything around him and endeavor as his own skin along with endeavors is burning 'he needs to stop this he's gonna kill him self!!'

Dabi prospective

"WHAT!?! Can you not Handle my flames old man!?" I ask making more flames in my right hand hurling them towards the old man while I ignore the burning pain coercing threw my body "DABI! You need to stop!!" I hear (u) scream "STAY OUTTA THIS!!" I shout and endeavor manages to create a huge burst of flame replacing my blue flames with his own and I glare "you really think you can take me on by your self?.... Toya?" The old man ask's and my eye's widen in rage

(u) prospective

"SHUT UP!!!" Dabi snarl's creating a massive out burst of flames at least 5 times bigger than he should "DABI PLEASE STOP!!!" I beg with watery eye's seeing Dabi is sacrificing his own body to kill his father "YOU'LL DIE TODAY ENJI!!!" Dabi laughs manically blinded by his anger 'I have to get to him!' I think and bite my tongue 'man this is gonna hurt' I think and run threw dabi's flames trying to reach him and I cry out in pain while I'm mearly 3 feet into the flame 'how can he endure this?!?' I wonder fighting my way threw the pain

Dabi prospective

Before I can get my next and final attack ready someone grabs onto me 'who the?!?' "Please Dabi! We need to go! You'v gotta stop! I know what this means to you but your going too far!! Please Dabi come on!" (u) plead's desperately as she's clinging onto me while getting burnt by my flames in the process and my eye's widen seeing tears in her's "I-... let's go..."

Time skip
(u) prospective

"Those are gonna scar... sorry..." Dabi finally speaks up seeing the many burns covering my body and I huff looking away from him "will you say something?" Dabi ask's and I stomp my foot whipping my head around to look at Dabi "what do you fucking want me to say!?! you could have killed your self Dabi!! You idiot! Moron! Dumbass!!!" I scream as tears threaten to spill and Dabi looks at me rather surprised by my out burst "....your.... your right.... sorry for worrying you... I just... I really wanted to end him..." Dabi says angrily looking at the floor avoiding eye contact and my expression softens a bit as my fists unclench "let me help you then you don't have to do this alone Dabi I'm here for you I'll be here every step of the way"

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