Dabi x civilain reader ~cant go back now~

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Second person prospective

(u) and Dabi have been dating for a few years now but there relationship is somewhat complicated while Dabi Is a wanted criminal (u)'s just your adverage citizen besides the fact that she managed to attract the attention of one of japans most wanted outlaws (u) knew from the start who Dabi was and what he's done but she really never cared dabi'd did try multiple times to try to stress that fact that if she dates him she may wined up getting hurt but (u) never minded and so Dabi made a promise to him self that he'd never let (u) get hurt because of his crimes he had to be carful what he did and were he was at the time or he could end up getting (u) involved and that's the last thing he wanted but this time instead of Dabi protecting (u) she wanted to help him

(u) prospective

Tears stream profusely down my face as I run as fast as I can down the panicked city street crying and sobbing and my tears just worsen seeing the smoke in the distance 'dear god dont take him from me yet!!' I think choking back sobs as my chest tightens and it becomes even harder to breath as I'm sprinting down the street ignoring pro hero's talking me I need to evacuate and my eye's widen in pure terror seeing Dabi bloodied and beaten

15 minutes prior

"Breaking news the blue flame villain going by Dabi is currently down town fighting #2 hero hawks the battle has-" my eye's widen hearing the news play from the living room and i dart out of the kitchen to see what's happening and I gasp with tears welling in my eye's seeing Dabi fight the #2 hero I immediately drop everything rushing out of my apartment building running down the street I recognized the background as the cafe a few blocks from here and force my legs to carry me in that direction 'dame it Don't you dare die!!!'

Dabi prospective

"I'm gonna kill ya birdy! How's roast Turkey sound!?!" I shout grinning a crazyed smile making some of the staples along my jaw come undone "I'm a hawk you moron!!!" Hawks screams and I laugh seeing his wings are almost completely burned away "well not with out your wings ya arnt!!!" I chuckle "tch! I still have a few feathers and that's dame well enough to take you down!!!" Hawks shouts charging towards me

(U) prospective

As I near the crime scene me eye's widen seeing dabi's back turned to me while him and hawks are telling and shouting at each other screaming out threats both covered head to toe in burns and blood while smoke swirls around in the air "that's dame well enough to take you down!!!" Hawks yells charging towards Dabi with his crimson feathered sword in hand 'dabi's over used his quirk by now he's taken too much damage' I think and my body moves on its own pulling me forwards and I run infront of Dabi shielding him "PLEASE STOP!!!" I scream

Hawks prospective

My eye's widen as a (hair color) haired girl jumps infront of Dabi shielding him and before I can react my feather goes straight threw her abdomen I don't recognize her as a villain and I immediately pull my feather back as she collapses and Dabi runs over to her "...please... don't hurt him..." the girl says weakly and Dabi glares picking her up "I'll kill you for this!!! She's just a civilian!!" Dabi screams in rage but I can tell by how he's holding the girl she's probably his significant other and he's just really worried 'at least she's still breathing...' "dabi we can settle this another time but right now this girl needs medical attention if you don't get her to a hospital soon then it's gonna be too late I can take her there if you just-" "GO TO HELL YOU OVERGROWN PIGION!!!" Dabi shouts

Dabi prospective

'Dame it!' I cruse in my head gridding my teeth as I glare at hawks trying to keep my distance while at the same time keeping (u) safe and to my surprise one of hawks feathers comes flying at me and I just dodge as it whizzes past my face "I'D KILL YOU IF I DIDNT HAVE MY ATTENTION SPLIT!! Arnt you gonna get fired for fucking staring her!?!" I yell "she's a villain so it doesn't matter" hawks says and my eye's widen "I TOLD YOU SHE'S JUST A CITIZEN!!" I shout "citizen or not she's dating one of the most wanted criminals in Japan no one's gonna care if a villains girlfriend dies and besides for all I know she could have helped you commit crimes!" Hawks says as I dodge his feathers that are flying at me and (u) and it's taking a lot of energy to keep this up iv already over used my quirk and if I try using it now I'll be putting (u) in even more danger 'dame it!!!'

(u) prospective

Dabi's sweating and he looks like he's in quite a bit of pain I can bearly move with out a stinging pain coursing threw me and the blood loss is making my vision fuzzy "(u) just hold on I'll think of somthing" Dabi says not taking his eye's off of hawks "Dabi..." I call "this is too much for you... what about... your friend's?" I ask "what about them?" Dabi ask's dodging another feather to the face "can't-... cant they help?" I ask as my voice gets more horse and raspy Dabi scowls for a second before he sighs "don't move" Dabi says placing me down leaning myself against a slightly charred wall before activating his quirk setting a circle of fire around us keeping hawks and his feathers away and I watch Dabi call someone as my vision gets blurry and i black out

Dabi prospective

"Kugiri I need you here now" I snap as soon as kugiri picks up the phone "alright alright calm down" Kugiri says and then one of his portals apear next to me I quickly pick (u) up carful not to drop her and rush threw the portal "so did you complete the- who the hell's that?!?" Shigaraki shouts seeing (u) and I glare "non of your dame business" I hiss turning my attention to Kugiri "portal I need your help can you do anything?" I ask desperately

Second person prospective

Dabi had never introduced (u) to the league because he didn't want to get you involved with any of his crimes and the league had no idea Dabi was dating a citizen in the first place they never saw him as the type to have a soft spot but seeing how distressed there team mate was they could tell Dabi cared about (u) a lot and they also understood that if they touched you they'd get there hands burned off after explaining that you got caught up in the fight the league looked after you and it wasn't until a few days later that you woke up

(U) prospective

My eye's slowly flutter open to see I'm in an unfamiliar place "d-dabi?" I call trying to sit up but I wince as my side stings and i immediately lie back down "oh goodie your awake!!!" I hear a girls voice giggle and a blond haired girl wearing a crazed smile shoves her face in mine "u-um hello are you?... one of dabi's friends?" I ask "yep! My names!-" "your deluded if you think your my friend scram psycho I told you to get me if she woke up" I hear Dabi say and I sigh a sigh of relief hearing his voice "aww!!! But dabiiiii!!!" The girls whines before I hear the door slam shut so I'm guessing Dabi threw her out "who was she?" I ask "doesn't matter are you feeling ok?" Dabi ask's helping me sit up and I bite my tongue hissing in pain "other than the hole in my stomach fine" I chuckle wincing "you moron" Dabi sighs hugging me around my shoulders burying his face in my caller bone

Dabi prospective

"idiot" I mumble holding (u) tighter and she laughs a bit running her fingers threw my hair "why in the world did you think it would be a good idea to jump infront of me like that?" I ask "because... I know if you took the bullet... then you woulda killed yourself trying to finish the fight... I couldn't let that happen" (u) smiles a bit and I sigh "you know what this means for you now right?" I ask pulling away from (u) to look her in the eye and she questioningly tilts her head "I don't understand" (u) says "the world knows about us now so... you can't really.... go back to the way things were before... I'm sorry" I apologize frustratedly pulling at my hair "Dabi don't worry about it you know how much I hated my job and it's not like my family's gonna miss me I don't have anyone other than you do it doesn't really matter" (u) reasures me and I smile a bit pecking her lips passionately before pulling away and I sigh

(U) prospective

"alright ya snoops you can come out" Dabi grumbles and immediately three of his friends fall into the room "Dabi I didn't know you had a soft side!!! I totally knew!" A guy wearing a black and gray body suit says pumping his fists up and down "yeah yeah make fun of me all you want" Dabi scoffs as his friends tease him and I introduce them selves to me and I can't help but smile "it's grate to finally meet you guy's!"

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