Imprisoned Dabi x retired hero mom reader ~Our Son~

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(u) prospective

As I'm humming to myself in the kitchen making some lunch for me and my son I get a call from my best friend answering the phone I continue to make lunch as (son's name) watches TV in the living room "what's up hawks?" I ask "(u)" hawks says seriously and I freeze he's typically never this serous unless there's something horribly wrong I gulp "hawks what's going on?" I ask "it's about him" Hawks says and my eye's widen my breath catches in my throat and I can no longer breath my hand starts to shake and I have to grip the phone tightly so I don't drop it "(u) clam down its not what your thinking he's still in jail he hasn't escaped or anything" hawks says tho I still can't catch my breath

Flash back 5 years ago
(u) prospective

"We'v gained new information on the league of villains this is tommara Shigaraki and-" as hawks boss goes blabbing on and on about the league of villains I get bored and space out yawning paying no attention to the meeting but a certain member catches my eye "this is dabi he's a permanent member of the league his identity is not yet known but he's a blue flam user moving on this is-" the only parts of him shown in the photo are his bright blue eye's the rest of his body is covered sence he's wearing a hoodie and mask but threw out the rest of the meeting I can't stop thinking about the man's blue eye's there beautiful and calming for some reason and chillingly frimilyar "hay (u) you were spacing out an awful lot during that meeting you feeling ok?" Hawks asks as I walk to leave the agency building to head home for the day "yeah I'm ok the meeting was just boring was all" I shrug "by the way how're you and your boyfriend doing? You know you still haven't introduced me yet I want to meet him!" Hawks whines "yeah yeah I know I'll try to ask him agin but he's really busy" I say walking into an elevator with hawks "what was his job agin?" Hawks ask's "he works over sea's so sometimes he'll be away for some time but I don't mind" I say as the elevator door's open and I walk towards the exit of the building "see you tomorrow hawks" I wave and walk to my apartment taking a shower to calm my growing nerves and once I'm all clean I wrap my self in a towel and get changed but as I am I hear something in the kitchen slipping on a shirt I get ready to use my quirk and slowly creep towards the kitchen I sigh in relief seeing it's just Toya "god you scared me Toya what are you doing sneaking in here this late?" I ask with a laugh walking into the kitchen

Dabi prospective

"Well I did knock but you didn't answer and you gave me the Key's to your apartment might as well use em" I shrug and (u) smiles "how was your day?" She asks grabbing a snack from the fridge "alright" I reply "well I had a long day and have an even longer one tomorrow so I'm going to bed good night toya" (u) says turning to go get some sleep but I stop her turning her around to give her a quick kiss "there now you can go to sleep" I say and (u) smiles but something in her smile seems distant and worried I frown as she turns to leave once agin and but don't let go of her hand "is something wrong (u)?" I ask "no I'm fine just tired the meeting I had today lips wore me out" (u) says and even tho her words sound empty I let her go I'm probably just tired as well "night Toya" (u) says "good night (u)"

The next morning
(U) prospective

When I wake up I find Toya asleep next to me I smile but then I suddenly feel like throwing up I race into the bathroom and fall to the floor bending over the toilet but thankfully I don't throw up and the feeling goes away leaving me on the cold bathroom tile floor I let out a sigh thinking about how I'm supposed to tell Toya I took the test a few days ago and it was positive we just got married and I'm scared that this might be too soon I think as Iv sat on the bathroom floor then I hear Toya from the bed room and he walks into the bathroom sleepily standing in the door way "what's wrong?" Toya asks "nothing sorry to wake you up I just-" my eye's widen 'why didn't I realize it sooner? How late he's out? The burn marks? The motive? The injures? His eye's? I must be a damed fool' "nothing D-Toya go back to sleep I'm gonna go get some breakfast from the taco place" I say quickly standing to my feet I notice my hand starting to shake but I don't think he notices "I'll come too-" "no that's alright" I say exiting the bathroom and the bedroom grabbing my bag with my phone in it exiting the apartment I don't take the time to lock the door and as soon as I exit the apartment I race down the hall as tears well in my eye's I sob as I dial my best friend on the phone he picks up after a few seconds "hay (u)" hawks greets "k-k-keigo!" I cry as I sprint down flights of stairs "h-hay what's wrong?" Hawks ask's worried I rarely ever use his real name "h-he-" "he who? Where are you?" Keigo Questions "My husband he- I didn't relize but- hawks I'm married to a villain and I'm p-pregnant!" I weep and hear hawks gasps over the line but other than that he stays silent "I can't- I can't do it hawks I can't a-arrest him" I cry "it's ok I understand he's at your apartment yeah? I'll arrest him in your stead you have valid reason it'll be excused you just stay safe I'll be there as quick as I can"

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