over think

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could you hold my hand,
when the screaming is constant,
and the nights become dreamless?

would you be there to wipe away the tears,
when the shaking becomes an obstacle,
and my legs give out from fear?

should you be the one to bear with the burden,
of knowing the agony i live in,
is one that will slowly eat away at me?

will you try and keep composure,
when the somber within me,
takes a hold of you as well?

can you stay,
even when i'm afraid of your commitment?

can you feel,
even when i am indifferent of my own actions?

can you tell,
even when i lie through my joyous facade?

have you finally realized,
i am but a burden,
one that will weigh on you forever?

have you finally learned,
that i loathe myself,
more than you loathe that part of me?

have you given up,
on the notion of love,
and just settled for what seems most convenient?

let go,
for your heart will break as you behold my own ruin.

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