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With maturity comes annoyance—
You begin to hate the things you used to love about someone,
and grow wary of their own beliefs.

Your friendships grow short and scarce,
noticing how immature others can be as you grow up,
and they do not.

The power you once had;
to sit through rants and venting sessions of the same problem every day,
become pointless and only grow older as you do as well.

Tired by the constant fight,
to try and find a reason to stay,
became so mentally draining,
that you gave up on actually trying to care.

Caring is all you do when you begin to think of what is beneficial to you as you grow:
financially, are they an asset?
achieving goals, do they matter?
emotionally, are they healthy?

It becomes a spiral of logic against emotion,
and our hearts,
can often take charge whether the logic is harsh with truth.

Because as you grow up,
and you mature,
annoyance isn't about your emotional status.

Your future is ahead,
and staying because it might be easier,
will corrupt what lies ahead.

If you can't imagine your future with someone...
then why waste your time?

You're in love and happy,
your future seems to bright,
so well though out,
but every conversation somehow leads to them
your frustration and your fight to not knowing what to do.

No matter what you try and do,
or think,
nothing changes that a person you once loved,
is now toxic.

they didn't change and become a bad person—
You changed.

Because uncertainty is not with you anymore,
and your goals and dreams are set,
you know that with your change,
they cannot stay.

This is the downside of becoming an adult:
friends that don't listen,
will never learn,
and you will be stuck in a spiral of not knowing and what if scenarios.

If you cannot make a decision now,
you never will.

Now is the time to make changes,
and now will run out sooner than you think.

Why hold out on peace and continue suffering,
just because you feel bad?

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