Hey Babs [forgotten]

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hey babs, can i tell you something?

a while back,
love seemed like such a myth.

but you busted that myth,
once you showed me what true love can be.

the way you caress me when i pretend ive fallen asleep,
how you stare into my eyes once we've separated from a kiss,
the kind words after each crying session—

are just small examples of how you showed me what being cared for for was like.

so much has happened,
so little time to even name it,
so little space to even be coherent.

hey babs, can you promise me something?

if things were to somehow end,
could you promise me to always love yourself the way i love you?

because in my eyes,
you are perfect.

you are beautiful inside and out,
and i could never forget such a remarkable person,
so please,
never forget how great of a person you are—
even if i'm not there to remind you.

hey babs, wanna know a secret?

i love you—
that, you know—
but not the extent of it.

you won't ever realize that i worry about you when you're not here,
you won't ever know of the times ive cried of the lies my head comes up with,
you won't ever feel my broken heart when you cry on my shoulder,
you won't ever see how hard i try for you behind the scenes.

hey babs, you know why i call you babs?

because it's something i've never heard anyone say,
and you deserve something as unique as you—

even if it sounds like a failed attempt to say an actual word.

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