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If I were to gift you a star,
I'd pluck it from the sky,
push the heat and chemicals barehanded,
even if it were to hurt me.

If there were words to write about you,
I'd read dictionaries front to back,
knowing I'd never find how to fully describe your beauty.

If I were to serenade you a song,
I'd write a brand new one,
melodies never heard of and a struggle of making it perfect,
even if it were to tire me to its very last note.

If there were clothes meant for you to wear,
I'd travel around the world and pick the finest fabrics,
for royalty deserves what the world does not give you.

If I were to describe my love for you,
I'd struggle to describe the way a sister loves another,
for I never had one in which I'd be able to compare,
and who am I to compare you to anyone else?

If there were a need for me to see you,
I'd find the fastest way I could,
no matter how expensive the method may be,
for I have already been missing you,
since the last I saw you.

If someone were to ask,
"Who is your truest friend?"
I'd say Hailey,
for she has eyes that shine bright with curiosity,
ears that listen to all my worries,
lips that sing the funniest melodies,
hands that hug the sad bystander,
feet that walk miles to see the struggling,
a mind filled with such creativity,
that no one else would pop in my mind.

If death were to pay a visit,
I'd make sure the reaper takes me,
as life is much more deserving to my sister,

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