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i hate her.
she's so confident when she wants to impress but never for herself.

i hate her.
she's so pretty and funny, everyone likes her but she dislikes everyone else.

i hate her.
she preaches the virtues but her patience is as thin as her web of lies.

i hate her.
she's so good at memorizing labels and rules, yet finds difficulty in forgetting the past.

i hate her.
she longs for adventures and new stories to tell, but cowers at risk and ponders in the what ifs.

i hate her.
she tries her hardest but when she has failed, she realizes she wasn't trying at all, she was just so good at pretending.

i hate her.
she's so good at faking smiles, laughter and joy, but drowns in her own tears beneath her facade.

i hate her.
she takes pictures of herself, edits them and publishes them, only to wish she could cut her own faces and curves to shreds.

i hate her.
she lives so gracefully, everything order, yet she knows death would be easier than life.

i hate her.
she's got it all together even as she writes poems of how much she hates herself.

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