drifting end (goodbye)

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drifting, it feels,
closing in towards itself
grabbing onto the edge,
clinging onto the beyond.

pushing and pulling
for the threshold is inevitable,
and it keeps reaching,
yet leaving.

doom ever so slightly weighing in,
reading the signs,
analyzing the data,
knowing the end is near.

yet the end keeps drifting.

i cling to it,
digging my nails into its edge,
hoping it finally comes,
and misery is finally consumed by the void.

feeling its dread ,
crazing yet craving for it,
wanting to distance myself when its far,
wanting to embrace it when near.

a cycle without end,
for it never reaches,
as it waves from its bachelorette,
and leaves from the widow.

Feelings On PaperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang