The Same Moon

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shivers bring me back from autopilot—
i remember where i'm supposed to be driving,
my goal to be productive,
yet tiredness weighs on my shoulders.

i look up and the moon sits there,
orbiting around us,
raising waves and tides,
guiding creatures,
setting cycles and structures.

she sits there,
so beautiful and bright,
her crates making her seem almost fake,
her brightness eases my shoulders,
she lets go of my stress and anxieties,
so easily.

i wondered if you looked at her too,
if you saw how beautiful she looked,
realized her influence on our world,
how truly powerful she was,
how strong she stayed,
just as she sat there.

i wished i could have admired her with you,
and the autopilot turns back on,
eyes back on the road,
and the numbness taking away the pain of your absence.

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