Baby [forgotten]

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You caress me with such delicate hands,
dance with my lips as your companion with such grace—

I had forgotten the sweet relief—
that amplifying euphoria of your touch,
just increasing as the intensity of our dance grows.

I forget what time is,
as the two of us lay in a stained bed.

You whisper to my ear such beautiful words,
tracing the lines of my tattoos as you call me a masterpiece—

Oh baby,
have you forgotten what a mess I can be?

How can you call me beautiful after you've seen me at my worst?

Is it because you know I'm more,
than just the demons in my head?

Is it to remind me,
that I am not the piece of shit I see myself to be?

Because it works—
your touch,
your words,
your kisses,
and your praise—
they bring life to what I always thought to be an empty shell.

Despite my times of weakness,
the empty fears,
and the dripping tears,
you always stood by to soothe my cries.

can't you see you are a fear as well?

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