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"Come on!" The young girl raced off in front of her parents, leaving her guardians smiling after her small form. 

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds tweeting, not a cloud was in sight. The road beside them was quiet, lacking the steady hum of traffic.

The world around them seemed content.

The family took a right turn, walked through the coal black gates, passed the pillars covered in ivy and stepped into the park. It's green, grassy fields with white dotted throughout were covered with people, all of whom had found the perfect place to spend the day.

"Let's go somewhere quieter, yeah?"

The girl's father looked at her, seeing the dark circles beneath her eyes and the wary look at the crowds. 

"Yeah, people give me a headache."

He got a wry smile in return.

Walking past all of the other noisy families, who were having a great time in the sun, they found a small field, hidden away from the bustle of the rest of the world. 

The little girl was beaming, a huge smile covering her face. The place they had found was peaceful, secluded, perfect. They were surrounded by oak and birch trees, providing shade and walls, creating their little haven. 

But there are two sides to every coin.

The place they had found was too far away from other people, too far from the security of crowds. The people that had walked into the clearing after them were too well organised to be inconsequential.

But when you're so wrapped up in the warmth of love and the comfort of familiarity you tend to miss the obvious.

Her parents sat down under a large tree in the middle of the clearing and basked in the shade.

It wasn't long after they had settled comfortably in the peace that the young girl began leaping around them, full of youthful energy. "Hello? You guys are so boring! Let's do something."

Her father laughed heartily at her enthusiasm. "Sure, sweetie, what do you want to do?"


"You sure?"

Her brows furrowed and a serious look of contemplation covered her face, a contrast to the childish innocence in her eyes.

"Well, yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, because you don't want to lose to me again, do you."

She huffed in indignation. "Nuh uh. I'm going to beat you this time. You're going down."

"Your smack talk needs work kiddo."

"You're smack talk needs work." 

He chuckled again, loving the fiery spirit. "Come on then, it. Is. On." replied her father, dusting off some grass that had taken residence on his trousers as he stood up, making his daughter yelp in excitement. 

Her mum took slightly longer to get up, a slight expression of annoyance passing her face. She was tired, so tired. They were catching up to her now, she could feel it. Every moment had been taken up by running, hiding and fighting. She felt like that's all she ever did, fight. But she fought so others didn't have to spend their whole lives doing the same.

She looked at her daughter, at the mind not yet corrupted by the darkness of the world and the harsh difficulties in the truths of society. This could be it, how many moments did she have left now?

"Wait for me! How about 2 against 1?" She rushed off to be with her family, to bask in the joy of living.

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum