Chapter 27

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Alex stalked out of the dark room and into the atrium. 

Of course! Of course the world wasn't going to just make my life easier, no!

At this point she was afraid that the scowl on her face would become permanent with the amount of times she had found her expression screwed up into a frown. She could practically hear her dad's voice saying 'relax, at this rate you'll have more wrinkles than Queen Elizabeth'.

If only relaxing was on the schedule.

She continued to storm through the hallways, watching as people stepped back, away from her raging form. She had often been told that she was intimidating but didn't really know how much until she saw people parting for her like the red sea. 

She stood in front of the wall to the boys dormitories, much to the whispered delights of the gossips. Alex didn't care what people said, their opinions were irrelevant anyway.

Since it wouldn't open for her, obviously, she pressed the button on the intercom persistently, sending an irritating buzzing to the room of her intended victim.

An annoyed voice came through the low quality speaker with words cutting through the static.

"What?" At lease he seemed just as annoyed as she was though Alex knew his irritation came from being woken up from a nap if the sleep in his voice was any indication.

"I'm ever so sorry for disturbing your beauty sleep, princess." There was really no other response. It had just gone two in the afternoon for goodness sake.

"Oh, hello Pierce."

Alex said nothing. There was no point for superfluous pleasantries and greetings at this point in the conversation.

"Can I help you?"

"We need to talk."


"No, I just decided to repeatedly hit the buzzer for no reason and have continued to stand outside of the wall for the hell of it."

"Okay then."

The wall slide open and she walked through, ignoring the interested gazes from the people around her.

If the symbol wasn't a clear sign she had entered the boys dormitories, the mess clearly was. Despite not having entered a room itself, Alex was already overwhelmed by the mud tracked in on the floor, shoes and clothes flung around the place with no order or sense of specific ownership and the smell, the smell made wish she didn't have gag reflexes. 

Alex walked up to the door, gingerly stepping over pairs of football boots that still had chunks of mud and grass attached. She shook her head at them, thinking about her set of clean boots sitting by her wardrobe. It really didn't take that much effort to clean some shoes and if you had a dislike for mud you wouldn't be playing football anyway.

There seemed to be no one in the hallways but sounds of guns and cars snuck around the doors of most of the bedrooms. On reaching her target's door, she raised her fist and rapped against it, letting the short, sharp sounds reach the occupant.

The door opened moments later, revealing the bleary-eyes boy whose hair was sticking out at all angles. Not waiting for a formal invitation, Alex pushed her way into the room, sighing in relief when taking in the mess-free state, and motioned for him to close the door behind her. When he did no such thing, she kicked it closed instead with a resounding bang.

"Well, if your persistence didn't wake me up that certainly did."

He looked a little more alert when he sat down on his dark red covered bed and motioned for Alex to take a seat on the desk chair. She did so quickly.

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now