Chapter 14

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"For an agent, it is crucial to know how to defend yourself, defend others and to incapacitate your enemies." 

The 5ft 9 instructor paced up and down the training hall in front of 10 or so recruits. 

"All of you may know a type of martial arts, others street fighting but trust me, that will not give you an advantage in my class. I don't care if you're a black belt in bloomin' karate or have never lost a street fight because if you lack the necessary speed and accuracy, you will fail." 

Samuel Grey was the agency's fighting instructor and had mastered controlling a room with the sound of his voice, hard and unyielding. 

After more barking, threats and patronising remarks, he finally decided to get into the lesson.

"The head twist is a rather effective technique." He motioned for a bear of a boy who was about 6ft 1 to come up to him with a smug smile on his face that reeked of malicious anticipation. "You want to be able to grab your opponents head and get a good grip on it so if your opponent's taller than you, deliver a blow to the stomach." He punched the boy so quickly Alex was surprised he had moved at all. "The will make them double over," as it did, "giving you the opportunity to force and keep them down. Then, when you have a good grip, twist and push down at the same time." He did as he descriped, a little more forcefully than necessary. Alex could clearly see Samuel's clear dislike for the boy, reasons unknown and drama she wasn't about to get herself into. She hated drama. 

She did however look down in pity at the lad who was practically whimpering on the ground by the end of the series of movements.

"So," he continued, dusting off his hands and terrifying hostile intent satisfied, "Someone give me another quick technique to leave your opponent lying on the ground in pain, and give me some good ones" he barked in his military tone as the boy dragged himself away and to a standing position next to some other boys who were sniggering at his easy take down. Alex wondered how Julie ever let a guy as sick as this into the agency, but if he yielded good results she doubted the people in control would care.

It had been pretty easy to figure out Julie's role at the agency. Well, easy to learn about it. All you had to do was mention her name and anyone around would have awe and respect flashing in their eyes. Of course her 'street-fighting' mentor happened to be the director of a secret agency. This was just her life now.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by an annoyingly whiny voice.

"A knife hand strike to the neck, sir," Mark spoke up. With a small smile he turned towards Alex.

Not wanting to be bested, she added another, "Or you could use their inability to kick to down them and then knee them in the head," she added sweetly with a smile.

The people around her backed up.

Even Samuel, in all his violent nature, took a step back, as though Alex's reputation preceded her. In an attempt to diffuse the animosity, he cleared his throat and spoke up. "Uh, maybe not that last one but a knife hand strike could work." He clapped his hands and shouted to them all, "Now get to it!"

Alex was left standing on her own. After her little outburst earlier, it was expected that the others in the class would wary of her, as seen by them leaving a certain radius around her and casting her nervous looks.

She rolled her eyes and made towards the punching bags on the side of the room, a small part of her revelling in the looks, knowing that no one would mess with her or even try. At least this time she didn't have to punch anyone in the face to do it. Actually, maybe I kind of did, ha. Thinking back to her fight with Mark that made her smile bloom.

She squared her stance, pulled back her fist and was about to punch the bag when she felt a jovial tap on her shoulder. She spun around, her reflexes taking hold and her punch turned into an iron grip around her attackers wrist which she used to twist their arm painfully.

"Woah, ow ow ow OW!"

Alex let go quickly.

"Ah crap, sorry."

Ava waved it off with her uninjured arm while the other was clutched to her chest. "Nope, no worries. Note to self, don't startle, treat like dangerous wild animal?"

Alex raised her eyebrow at that. "Should I be taking offence?" Alex hadn't known Ava very long, in fact that one lunch was the only situation they had met be she had already gathered Ava had a bright disposition and humour, different yet prevalent enough to rival her own.

"I mean, I meant it as a compliment, like calling you a wolf or something but now that I think about it, it could just be like a really rabid squirrel." Ava nodded thoughtfully, as if actually contemplating the idea. Then she looked back to Alex. "Anyway, I came over to see if you'd like to partner up?"

Alex's eyebrows shot into her hairline. "You sure?"

Ava just laughed. "Why wouldn't I be?"

So Alex just nodded, following Ava to a clear area while trying not to show the relief that ran through her. While she liked the idea of being intimidating, she really did want to try to not be as isolated here and now. 

Ava took control. "What do you want to practice first?"

"Don't mind."

"Wow, woman of many words, huh."

Alex smiled at that, already liking the girl with silver hair and bright personality, liking the way it contrasted hers so easily. "Only when I'm in the mood."

"So never?"

Alex actually laughed, albeit a short low chuckle.

Ava looked pleased with herself but decided not to bring attention to it. 

"Have you ever done a knife hand strike before?"


"Want me to demonstrate?"

Alex grinned. "Oh, I'm sure I'll be okay," then she pounced.

What she did well was analyse movements and as soon as Mark managed to fell her in one movement, she knew she needed to learn it. Her mind had been constantly replaying the moment, slowing it down and taking note of every twitch, the placement and even feeling her throat for where the sorest spot was.

So to say Ava was surprised and impressed was an understatement. 

While groaning and clutching her throat, she managed to force out, "I really should have expected that, after all, your reputation precedes you."

Alex held out a hand which was gratefully taken. 

"Hey, no worries, I won't hold it against you."

Ava rolled her eyes. "My turn!"

She lunged forward but Alex knocked her hand away quickly and then looked down sheepishly. "Again, reflexes. I don't think I'll ever get used to waiting to be hit and letting it happen."

Ava just shrugged in reply. "It's okay, it happens more than you'd think. Like, there was this one boy who- OH MY GOD WATCH OUT!" Alex pointed behind where Alex was and her exclamation held so much sincerity Alex couldn't help but turn. 

On seeing nothing, she turned back, barely getting a sound out when she gagged, the hand on her throat irritating the already prominent bruise.

"Nice." She chocked out. Once regained her breath she managed to talk a little more. "Not gonna lie, you're way better than that Mark kid." She must have spat out the name because Ava just chuckled. 

"Not a fan of his royal highness I take it?"

"Not at all, the bloody arrogant douche bag."

Ava laughed again. "You met Heather?"

If possible Alex's gaze darkened. "Ah yes, her royal highness 'I'm so sophisticated but really love seeing people beat up'? Yeah, we got on great."

Ava couldn't stop laughing. "You really haven't had the best introduction to the program have you. Oh well, you have me now and I'll tell you know, you're stuck with me forever."

For some reason, that didn't seem so bad to Alex.

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now