Chapter 12

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"You know, I didn't really doubt your ability to get here."

Alex's coach was standing in the reception of a very high-tech modern agency, one that contrasted greatly to the  boring interior of the company car that had been Alex's first taste of agency life.

"Great, good to know you don't think a few little lasers would be the end of me" Alex scoffed mockingly, multiple times.

Julie rewarded Alex with a low chuckle that made her fill with joy. As much as she denied it, it didn't make her feel a little warm inside whenever she made someone laugh, especially someone she regarded as family.

Now over the adrenaline rush of before, Alex took the time to look past her instructor and see the simple atrium surrounded by dark grey, stone walls and dark blue lights highlighting industrial features. Just like the car, the lighting was embedded into every surface (walls ceiling and floors) in a way that made you feel like you were walking through an underwater fantasy land that was somehow found smack dab in the middle of the financial district.

Well that's the impression Alex got anyway.

There were no windows and from what she could see, there were no door anywhere in sight. Now and again, though, Alex saw people coming through different parts of walls, opening in different places each time. 

She must have had a confused look on her face as Julie answered one of her questions. "Only someone certified and in the agency can open the doors. There are sensors in each part of the wall that can detect someones identity and when they enter a certain radius, the passage door slides open and allows them entry."

Now that was impressive.

Low expectations smashed out of the park.

Julie saw Alex's face that was conveying extreme awe so decided it would be good to show Alex a little more of the agency, if only to laugh at her no longer hidden emotions.

She signalled for Alex to follow her and together they walked up towards a wall. As they neared, a passageway opened, the walls lit up with LED lights and cameras. 

"It's like something from bloody Harry Potter."

"Magic is just science in disguise."

This particular passageway led to a large circular room with sofas and chairs in the middle. Some stereotypical looking agents sat there, dressed in black suits with sunglasses adorning their faces even in this low lighting, reading newspapers. 

"I didn't know anyone read newspapers anymore, bit old fashioned." 

"You'd be surprised what you can do with newspapers, especially when less people deign to read them"

Alex's mind was filled with James Bond level codes passed through the personal section of the newspapers.

As she looked around the modern looking lobby, she noticed the nods Julie received at the looks of obvious respect aimed at her.

"So," Alex tried to sound as innocent as possible. "What exactly is your role here?"

Julie looked at her from the side of her eye. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Alex didn't like the smug note in Julie's voice.

Rather than stew on that further, she continued to analyse her surroundings instead.

Painted on parts of the wall at regular intervals was a series of symbols, one of which Julie headed towards after a moment of deliberation. 

"Before we go into anything further, there's something I would like to show you." Julie went right up to a symbol that looked similar to two stick people engaged in battle.

Wow, so sophisticated, not obvious at all.

Alex followed behind Julie anyway.

When the duo got close enough, the wall slid away smoothly to reveal a room, decked out with all of the best training equipment: punching bags, boxing rings and the dummies even moved like real people. The walls were black, the floor grey with glass running around the sides. Under the glass was rushing water, making the room seem so much bigger. The equipment seemed like the most modern training gear out there. 

Cannot wait to use that stuff, she though while eying an interesting rod, the ends sparking with electricity.

Alex took a good look around. Most of the people training there were adults but in the corner sparring were two kids, about her age. One was a well built girl with a bob of black hair and a punch that could knock the teeth out from a professional boxer. 

Against her was a tall-ish boy with green eyes and short, fluffy brown hair. He was fast, much quicker than the boxer's right hooks. Then, down on the bench was a slim girl with long red hair and the menacing air of someone who you wouldn't want to be trapped in a room with. 

Julie stepped up to them and motioned for Alex to come along, most likely to meet them.

Walking forward, she stood as tall as she could. hoping to be slightly intimidating, and spoke up clearly, "Hi, I'm Alex, just joined." 

Boxer stopped mid punch and turned in her direction. All three of the children looked in her direction. There was an uncomfortable silence while they looked at her analytically, sizing her up, working out if she was competition or not.

Alex did hope she was deemed impressive enough to reduce any thoughts of being used as a doormat. If their first impressions were wrong, she'd have fun beating their wrong ideas out of them, lots of fun. Subconsciously she cracked her knuckles.

The boy was the first to come over. As he neared, Alex noticed a long white scar on his shoulder. Did he get it on a mission? Or was it pre agency?  She noted the location in her database for further encounters.

"Hey, I'm Mark." He held out a hand and Alex shook it. His smooth voice counter-acted but the firm hold of his shake, slightly too tight. It was almost as if he was trying to intimidate her.

Nice try buster.

In reply she crushed his hand in her grip, hard enough to be rewarded with a tight grimace. He released her quickly and gifted her with another smile.

Alex also noticed that his smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Obviously fake if you were used to spotting the differences. Alex had enough practice from school. 

"Angie," the Boxer girl said in way of introduction while punching a 40 kilo bag, not even looking at Alex. Her voice was deep and croaky from misuse, an obvious clue that she preferred spending her time in the gym than talking to people.

It was some time before the girl with red hair said something. "And I'm Heather, head of the Junior Agent Recruitment Program. Welcome to the group." Heather carried herself confidently but not so much so she came across as arrogant, per say. Rather she held herself with elegance, so much so Alex couldn't help but feeling like it was all fake. 

The last part of Heather's sentence came out darker than the rest and somehow, Alex didn't believe it was true, especially when paired to the less inclusive gesture. Heather didn't make it sound like everyone was in this program. Who she said stayed, stayed. 

"Not really feeling too welcome right now." She then gestured to the group. "This seems like a great little clique you got going on but I think I'll stay out of this 'gang' for now." 

Heather didn't give any indication that she was surprised, instead maintaining her stone-cold demeanour. "At least you know how this works." She clapped her hands twice and Mark straightened like a soldier falling into rank.

That one movement filled Alex with a sense of unease and she carefully moved herself into a more balanced stance.

"We have our own little initiation." Her voice was filled with murderous glee. "Enjoy."

Alex wasn't surprised in the least.

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now