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Alex sunk down into the soft, plush couch with a satisfied sigh. She was still suffering from the remnants of her injuries from 3 weeks ago, she was healing but no where near as fast as she liked.

The rest of her crew, yes she had actually dubbed it the A-team which Ava argued was for her, had found her leaning against a tree, not even 20 meters from the burning building. 

Her father and James had made it around the same time, anger rushing off them in a tsunami-like wave when they saw the extent of her injuries, a tidal wave ready to engulf the bringer of her pain. When they asked, they didn't really like the answer.

"Who did this."

They were both seething, teeth clenched, hands curled into fists and together they made a pretty impressive duo.


"I swear to god you better tell me now or I will just kill everyone in a 15 meter radius." Yeah, her dad was serious, so serious the Potentia agents and the Auxilium agents who had come as back-up practically ran away.

"It was a joint effort."

So she told them what happened, not leaving out any details. You'd think they would be going after Mr Silva (who was to be fair already in a makeshift prison, iron bars caging him in like a wild animal) or try to track Heather. Alex did not expect them to turn to her, the tsunami directed at poor, injured Alex.

"So you set off the bomb with you inside."


"Then stayed to help the dude we were probably going to kill anyway."


"Who didn't in fact let you come out like a decent human being but basically locked you to the floor in a burning building with pain as shackles."

"Pretty much."

James ran a frustrated hand down his face, desperately trying not to kill the girl who had, against all odds, managed to carry on surviving.

"You, are an idiot."

Alex beamed up at him. "Thanks!"

He grunted then went in, wrapping her in an embrace while making sure not to put too much pressure on her numerous injuries. "You kept your promise, somehow, someway you actually did."

"Yeah, I already know I'm awesome."

He laughed and Alex fell into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Grayson decided to cut in. "Really, I'm touched. Thank you for remembering me."

"You're welcome."

He rolled his eyes but let a small smile settle on his face. "But why didn't you just let the crap bag die?" Two guesses who he was talking about. 

"Simple. We still needed a confession and I'm too young to lose my mental health over becoming a murderer." Alex thought a second. "That reminds me, how did you manage to get Potentia to turn against him without the confession? He was with me and my earpiece was lost."

James looked sheepish. "Well, I may or may not have bugged you." He saw Alex's narrowed eyes. "Well it was necessary! Knowing you you were going to get into more trouble than the rest of us and hey, my foresight is the only reason you're here and he's in there," he said, jutting a thumb at Silva in his cage.

His reasoning made sense so she decided to let it go.

"Fine, I'll let you off for now but," she leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "We will talk about this later."

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now