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Theo ran around in a celebratory fashion. He couldn't believe it. They had won. He looked up at his coach and the scout and they were nodding in approval. He couldn't believe it. Things might actually go right for him for once he thought.

He hadn't showed off too much within his skills, he mainly focused on making sure his teammates understood who they needed to focus on marking and who to pass to in panic. He also communicated well and showed good leadership.

"Theo!" His coach called out

Theo stopped celebrating with Ollie and Elijah and looked at him

"When you're showered and changed, come upstairs a couple of people want to talk to you" his coach smiled

"Alright coach!" Theo replied, running to the changing rooms

Theo had never gotten ready so fast in his life. He was showered and dressed within minutes. He hadn't even had a chance to properly talk to Elijah or Ollie besides celebrating the win but he knew they understood how important today was.

He found his coach outside the changing rooms waiting for him. They wordlessly made their way to one of the meeting rooms in the stadium.

At this point, it truly dawned on him that his life was actually going on the right tracks. He couldn't deny he was nervous for this meeting. But, he also couldn't help but be extremely thankful for his coach pushing him. This was because without him he would of properly been stressing all match and not playing properly and not truly understanding how important this match was. He realised all he would of been thinking of would have been her.

Wow, Theo thought. He had just realised that despite him playing so well in today's match Naomi was still on his mind. She was in the back of his head. He was determined to win it because he remembered the look of pure joy on her face at his last match when he had shot the winning goal. He remembered they weren't even talking to each other but yet she was so happy for him. She watched him the whole match.

He imagined how proud she would be of him once he told her the news of this match. He remembered that when they were trapped in the lift that one time playing twenty one questions, she had asked about his future, career and football. He answered bluntly as he didn't believe she was truly interested and just wanted a question to ask him to pass the time but she expressed how much she liked football as a sport and always watched it with her dad when she visited him.

She was the one he wanted to tell. She was the first person he thought of when he found out good news.

"Theo, can I just say fantastic work out there" the scout beamed. He was in his early forties with black salt and pepper hair, and a good physic.

"Thank you" Theo smiled,

"I'm Grey Saunders and I'm very glad that someone close to you told me to come to this match today" The scout announced, turning around and looking behind him

Theo furrowed his brows. He was confused as to who would of told the scout to come to the match. At first he thought the scout was talking about his coach but when he turned around and looked at the other person in the room he couldn't help but squint his eyes to see who the scout was talking about.

It couldn't be. How? When? Just utter confusion was evident on Theo's face.

"Hey Theo!" The girl grinned, running to Theo

"What are you doing here?" Theo asked in disbelief, as he couldn't help but smile at her

He felt like he hadn't seen her in years and now she was here. At one of his matches. Just like old times. It was great, but also odd. Why now? Why now would she suddenly start to become so involved in his life?

"Well, obviously we haven't seen each other much since, well you know who. And I've been going out a lot. Well I wasn't really with friends, I was networking. I have been for years." Theo's older sister revealed

"I saw how you put your life on hold for me so I thought I would repay you by getting my head down and finding scouts to come and watch you"

"I have been for years... Since I stopped coming to your games I wanted you still to have a reason to play. I wanted you to still enjoy the sport. So long story short I got university scouts to come to your games and well... your current uni was one of them"

"I heard they offered you a place but when you didn't take it I was so confused. But when I realised it was you leaving ice packs outside my bedroom door and those notes I knew why you didn't take it. So obviously you know what happened after and you finally went to uni"

"Then I called your coach to see how you were getting on and he told me you've been slacking. So I set up this match just to show everyone that when you have something to work towards you can do it. And I mean, why not come and support you like old times" she rushed out, playing with her fingers now getting nervous at the revelation of why she had been so distant with him over the years

"I- I don't even know what to say" Theo stuttered out. He was so shocked at everything his older sister Stass had been holding in. He had always just wanted his big sister back but now he understood this was how she was showing she always was cheering for him and was proud of him the entire time. She really was his biggest fan and he was so thankful for that. He just hoped they could be close again like when they were younger.

"You don't have to say anything Theo. I'm technically your agent now so let's get your career started" she sassed, now becoming more confident

"Oh shit, yeah. Um should we get started?" Theo asked, looking at Grey who had left the the siblings to their privacy when they interacted.

"Alright then, so Theo I work for the official PFSA scouting and i think you did an amazing job. You performed amazingly, you proved why you're the captain and you connected with your team very well. I even think that you alongside some of your other teammates would be great additions to one of our teams in the future" Grey acknowledged

"Thank you so much, I'd be honoured to even be considered for that opportunity, but can I ask what other teammates in particular" Theo questioned

"Well I'm not meant to say this, but i like the defensive midfielder and the winger- they're both at similar skill level to you, but don't tell them though as I have to speak to the others back at the office to see if we would be open to them as well" Grey informed

"Oh, alright then, that's still great regardless" Theo smiled, realising that Grey had just pointed out Ollie and Elijah

"Okay, so let me just skip to the interesting part, you're a great player and we are definitely going to keep an eye on you for the future so keep up the hardwork and we'll be in contact" Grey finished

"Thank you so much" Theo grinned, shaking Grey's hand

"It's no problem but you should also be thanking your sister for her persistence. It was nice meeting you Theo. Hope to be in contact soon" Grey waved off leaving just Theo and his sister

"Alright let's catch up! How's uni?" Stass immediately asked trying to get to know her brother again

Anastasia 'Stass'

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