Chapter- 4

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The Hokage was approaching a room. Standing near its double doors was an Anbu guarding it. The Anbu bowed to the Hokage and opened the doors. The Hokage entered the room and to his left were seated the clan heads of Konoha also known as the shinobi council and to his left were a few important civilians known as the civilian council.

Near the shinobi council were also seated, 3 people. They were Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu and Shimura Danzo. They were formers teammates to the Hokage in his genin days and are currently his advisers or elders.

The Hokage made his way through the room and sat at a small table in front of the Konoha Council.

"Good evening to everyone. Now, may I know the reason why the council has been summoned?" - the Hokage asked in a bored tone. After dealing with all the paperwork he still has to put up with the damn council.

"Yes, Hokage-sama" - said one merchant of the civilian council as he stood up "We heard that dem... Uzumaki Naruto graduated from the academy. You cannot allow him to become a shinobi, he's too dangerous"- he said.

The Hokage sighed he knew that this day would come. "Naruto is not dangerous, he's already proven to be a loyal shinobi but also graduated as rookie of the year along with Tsuki Uchiha and the only reason he has not been made a genin is due to the request of his guardian" - the Hokage said 

"He's clearly a demon, he stole the rookie of the year title from the Uchiha-sama"- a pink banshee yelled making everyone suffer from her freakish high pitched voice.

"You should choose your words carefully CIVILIAN" - the Hokage said raising his KI making her sweat "My law is still in effect".

"But Hokage-sama you cannot allow him near the clan heirs, he could hurt them all" - a fat merchant said while the shinobi side rolled their eyes.

"ENOUGH" - the Hokage said in a serious tone "Many of you civilians may not know but Naruto has already saved his village today" - he said getting confused looks from everyone. "As you don't know, today one of the academy teachers Mizuki broke into the Hokage's vault and stole the scroll of seals. He was intercepted by Umino Iruka and they engaged in combat. If Naruto didn't show up Iruka would be dead and the village without the scroll. Naruto defeated a chunin with relative ease proving once again why he is known as a genius ." - the Hokage concluded and everyone gasped. A fresh rookie from the academy defeating a chunin is almost unheard of.

"You see Hokage-sama he's already becoming too powerful, we must kill him now and finish what the yondaime started" - the fat merchant said trying to reason with the Hokage and put an end to the demon.

"You keep forgetting that this is a shinobi village and I, THE HOKAGE, am in command of my forces, my word is law, remember well. This meeting is adjourned" - the Hokage said rubbing his temples. "I'm getting too old for this shit" - he thought as he watched everyone leave the room.

Later that Night.

Naruto was walking around the village with Tsuki " So you are not gonna be on my team" Tsuki said in a rather sad tone, naruto noticed the sadness in her voice and decided to speak " Don't worry it's not like this is gonna affect our friendship anyway" naruto said as Tsuki sighed and thought " Naruto you're so damn dense you are so oblivious" she thought they walked around for a while.

Two figures were seen dashing through the roofs. They wore the standard jonin outfit for Konoha. The Hittite in the forehead, the jonin flat jacket and black anbu pants with white strapping in the ankles.

"Do you remember the plan?" - one of the jonins asked getting a nod from the other.

"Let's get this over with so we can collect our pay" - the other said and rushed towards the destination. They arrived at the red light sector and very quietly made their way towards the two. They saw the demon walking with an Uchiha this was not acceptable this made their resolve to kill the demon even more.

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