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The Kage and their bodyguard's just stood there completely shocked. It was not every day that you find out someone who should have been dead over a hundred years ago comes back and declares war on the free world.

"Well it is obvious what needs to be done now, we can no longer discuss this amongst ourselves we need to form a shinobi alliance," Garra said.

"It seems no harm has come to my brother, so my initial reason for calling this summit is no longer relevant. But I will not let the Akatsuki have their way any longer. We will form a shinobi alliance and settle this war as quickly as possible" A agreed.

"Raikage-sama we must make arrangements right away to track down Killer Bee. And if the Akatsuki's targets are the remaining Bijuu then the Akatsuki already has a head start in locating him" Shee said.

"You're quite right. Select a search party and contact the village so they can begin the search at once" the Raikage ordered.

"We should let team Samui know about this too, Karui and Omoi were seriously down about all this" Darui suggested.

"In order to stop Madara from succeeding in his moon's eye plan, we must not let him get his hands on the Hachibi or Kyuubi. It seems to be the best course of action would be to locate the remaining jinchuuriki and hide them away so Madara cannot find them" Mei said.

"The power that the seven Bijuu he already has is beyond imagining, to not use the jinchuuriki in the war would be a misuse of military power that we will need if we are to even stand a chance," Oonoki said.

"I have to agree, to not allow Naruto and the others to fight would greatly reduce our chances of winning this war. The Seven Bijuu that he already has have made him confident enough to declare war on us all, so we need to use our own Bijuu to combat them" Tsunade added.

"Unthinkable, I am sorry Naruto, Tsunade-dono, but I cannot agree. The Bijuu are Madara's sole targets in this war, so it is of vital importance that they are kept safe" Garra said.

"I'll be blunt none of you kage stand a chance against Madara," Naruto said, All the people in the room looked at him "Are you saying that we are weak boy," Oonoki said rather offended, Naruto shook his head "No none of you are weak for a normal shinobi but none of you here can defeat my father when he was alive can you?" Naruto said eyeing each of the kage who didn't say anything because they knew it was the truth.

Naruto sighed "I am stronger than my father was and yet I am pretty sure I will lose against a fight with Madara, so not including me and the killer bee will be suicide on the battlefield the only chance we have at dealing with the power of seven Bijuu is the power the nine tails".

All the kage's looked at him "But you can't control that power naruto" Garra said, Naruto nodded his head and looked at A "And that's why I have a favour to ask from you raikage-sama" Naruto said, A looked at the boy he knew what he was going to say "Verywell you will come to Kumo in when the preparations are done and train with B on how to control your bijuu".

Naruto nodded and tossed Darui one of his three-pronged kunai who caught it and looked at naruto confused "Give that to Killer b and tell him to apply chakra to the kunai when he reaches the location where we are supposed to train" Naruto said, Darui nodded since that was the only thing he could do at this moment.

"I would like to support Naruto on this, I saw him deal with one of our rogue ninja's one time and he has only gotten stronger if there is anyone who would be able to swing the tide on a battleground it would be him," Ao said confidently.

"He has my vote, I gave him many missions and some of them were S-ranked and he has not failed me, so I will believe in him now," A said.

"Last one Garra, come on, I won't let myself get captured. I won't die, not until I become Hokage" Naruto said confidently.

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