Part- 13

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Naruto and garra were glaring at each other " MOTHER WILL FINALLY HAVE YOUR BLOOD UZUMAKI!" Garra said, but naruto looked at him with an emotionless face and unsheathed Enma " We will see about that Garra" Naruto said as a purple aura surrounded enma.

" I never expected things to get so far, I must entrust the village to the others and take care of him right here right now before he completely transforms," Naruto thought as he threw his three pronged kunai all over the place " His seal in his stomach is covered in the sand I have to figure out a way to get rid of the sand in that area".

Enma was surrounded by a purple aura indicating that its second forms of power were being used " UZUMAKI!" Garra yelled rushing at naruto who stood still not moving just before garra could touch naruto he vanished in a yellow flash and appeared behind him " Wind style: Wind slash!" he said as he slashed garra in the back but it only removed the sand not touching his skin as naruto vanished and appeared a distant away " My attack can get through his sand but not touch his skin..." Naruto thought then he smirked as an idea came to his head.

Naruto and Garra rushed towards each other " MOTHER WILL HAVE YOUR BLOOD" Garra said as Naruto's sword clashed with his arm, garra had a crazy smile and naruto had a calm look on his face as enma was once again surrounded in a purple aura " Wind slash!" Naruto slashed through garra arm which was made up of sand and ducked under with quick speed and brought enma to Garra's stomach " Lateral water slash!" Naruto said as a burst of water came from enma and slashed Garra whose sand was now completely wet but still there, Sand Engulfed naruto's hand but before it could crush it naruto vanished in a yellow flash and appeared a distance away.

Temari who was watching the whole scene with wide eyes " His is going toe to toe with garra and has the upper hand" She thought it was already crazy that the Uchiha defeated garra in his base form and now the son the fourth was beating garra.

Naruto watched as Garra sand was heavier due to his water attack but that only stepped one of his plans. ' I have to be careful about the next steps' naruto thought as he channelled wind chakra to his blade but the chakra was amplified when enma started glowing purple ' Enma will make my attacks twice as strong as before and with the new move I created and the amplification of enma I should be able to pull it off.

Naruto eyed Garra carefully and seeing his every move Garra rushed at naruto Who just went through hand signs " Wind style: Wind bullets!" Naruto said as he blew small bullets made up of wind towards garra who simply dogged all of them Garra put his hand forward and grabbed naruto "WHAT HAPPENED UZUMAKI WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE CONFIDENCE THAT YOU HAD HUH," Garra said with a sadistic smile as the naruto in garra's shikaku hand and screamed in pain and dropped a three-pronged kunai once the kunai reached in a yellow flash naruto appeared in front of garra as the naruto in Garra's demonic hand puff into smoke " A SHADOW CLONE!" Garra said in surprise as naruto under garra smirked and raised enma " Wind style: Tearing winds!" naruto said as he slashed garra across the chest and put his left hand on garra hardened sand and put a flying Raijin mark on him and jumped back.

Garra looked at naruto enraged " YOU TRICKY BASTARD!" He screamed as naruto just appeared a distance away from him " Now for the final blow" Naruto said as lightning started cackling around enma as naruto disappeared in a yellow flash, multiple yellow flashes could be seen around garra but he was ready when Naruto appeared in front of him enma raised in the air " DIE!" Garra yelled as he punched naruto but his eyes widened when naruto puffed into smoke and in another yellow flash naruto appeared right at garra's torso his sword crackling with yellow lightning when turned purple when naruto used Enma's power " Lightning style: Purple flash!" Naruto said as he cut garra in the torso showing his bare skin which was cut with the attack aswell as naruto's left-hand figures started glowing " Five elemental seal!"Naruto said as he slammed his hand in garra's stomach tightening the seal.

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