Part- 10

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Naruto opened his eyes to see he was in a wired place similar to a sewer, naruto felt a huge amount of killing intent as he went in that direction. He kept walking for a while until he saw a cage " So my jailor has finally come to see me" A dark voice said which sent chills down naruto's spine, " Who are you?" naruto said as he looked at the cage he had a good idea who it was but to wouldn't harm to ask, as soon as he said that 2 red eyes opened and glared at him " Don't play dumb brat you know who I am" The nine-tailed fox said as naruto sat down as the Kyuubi raised an eyebrow.

" Well I have been wanting to talk to you for a while," Naruto said with a smile as Kumara was surprised he could sense that this boy had no ill emotion towards him, no fear.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?", he asked him.

Without a moment of hesitance, Naruto answered, "Because you are misunderstood."

This time surprise was visible on Kyuubi's face, which was quickly followed by anger.

"What did you just say? Chose your next words very carefully", he growled out.

Naruto wasted no time in answering, "In all the books I have read, they described you as a being of pure hatred. But that is only a one-sided understanding, isn't it?", he asked with a sad smile.

Before Kyuubi could answer, Naruto continued, "Humans fear what they can't understand. The foremost aspect of your personality that they have seen is hatred, which, while a big part of you, conceals the being underneath that can feel emotions just like us. Isn't that right Kyuubi?"

Kyuubi was astounded at the amount of understanding his host showed towards him. Perhaps he could...

"If you wouldn't mind", a hesitant smile appeared on Naruto's face, "Would you be my friend?"

" Why? I killed your parents yet you don't hate me why?" The Kyuubi asked as naruto smiled.

" Well it would be nice to have my parents but I know you wanted freedom, Freedom from being used as a weapon, that's why I don't blame you If I had been in your position I would have done the same," Naruto said with a sad smile.

Kyuubi just looked at naruto, now he had no doubt that this child was special he imagined himself in other's position instead of judging them by their actions. First time in centuries The Kyuubi smiled a true smile.

" So what's your name?" Naruto asked in a curious tone as Kyuubi raised an eyebrow " All humans call me Kyuubi why is it any different for you" The Kyuubi said.

" Well they are dumbasses, I am sure that you have a name no one's name is the Kyuubi similar to the one tails but no one calls him one tail they call him by his real name," Naruto said as Kyuubi sweat dropped " You know the kid you are too smart for your own good," Kyuubi said as naruto rubbed the back of his head " I get that a lot now what's your name?" Naruto said as the Kyuubi hesitated but answered " Kurama, my name is Kurama".

Naruto smiled " It's nice to meet you Kurama you already know my name so introducing myself would be stupid," Naruto said as Kurama chuckled.

Then Kurama face turned serious " I have removed the curse seal from that snake, butt remember kid don't tell anyone about this only tell jiraya that's also when he asks," Kurama said as Naruto nodded.

" I am guessing that since we are friends now I can talk to you without coming to my mindscape," Naruto said as Kurama nodded then a scared look came on naruto's face " How the hell will I get out of my mindscape!" Naruto said as Kurama sweat dropped this kid was not afraid of him but he was afraid that he would be stuck in his mindscape " Clam down kid once you wake up in the real world you will exit out of the mindscape and when you want to enter the mindscape just think about it and I will do the rest" Kurama said as Naruto nodded " Now get out brat I need to sleep" Kurama said as he kicked naruto out of the mindscape.

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