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"So you who is gonna impersonate the ninja and meet with the man that the ninja was supposed to meet," Senzaru asked, One of the anbu raise his hand "I will go," He said.

Naruto looked at the man and shook his head "That won't do I have to go in case I will have to meet and in the worst-case scenario fight, the upper 4 the wielder the earth blade" Naruto said to the anbu who nodded "I understand Kitsune-san" The anbu said.

Senzaru looked at Naruto "Naruto if you counter anyone above the rank of 4 use your flying Raijin level three immediately" Senzaru said seriously "Level three but how will it help in this situation, isn't increasing the level of the Flying Raijin just increases your speed?" The head anbu asked as Naruto looked at the anbu and answered "Increasing the speed of teleportation more than level to is impossible. Level three of the jutsu is different from the other level of the jutsu I had only used once" Naruto said.

The anbu still had a confused look on his face, Naruto sighed and decided to answer his question "Level three of the technique means two objects that I have marked those two objects can swap places, in simple languages I have already marked myself and if I have marked any other object I can swap places with that object, level three also allows me to teleport objects to me for example" He said as he threw his sword that he had marked, the anbu noticed that the sword was at least 10 meters away in a flash the sword was in naruto's hand.

"See..." Naruto said "The object teleported to me instead of me teleporting to the object now for the other ability," Naruto said as he gave senzaru an eye smile as Senzaru sighed and nodded and in a flash Senzaru and Naruto had swapped places "That's the other ability," he said as the Anbu were a little shocked the ability was very useful in any situation.

"Since now you know, Is there any questions I will mark you all and teleport you all if the situation gets out of hand and don't worry If you don't trust me you can burn the clothes that I will mark," Naruto said as the anbu nodded.

"Very well since you all know the plan go and rest, we will start the mission in three in the morning," Senzaru said all the Anbu nodded and went to their respective hotel rooms.

Senzaru looked at Naruto "Let's go to the hotel you need some rest, you will be doing more work than anyone tomorrow you will need it" Senzaru said looking at naruto he knew his student was tired and so was he, so it was better if they rested up.

The next day at 3 am.

Naruto had transformed into the ninja whose memories he had seen "Let's see what their goals really are" Naruto thought as he went to the place where the man was supposed to meet the earth blade wielder's subordinate, Naruto suspected that the man would directly take him to his boss, all that naruto could hope was the man didn't saw through his transformation jutsu.

"I am getting feeling about this" Kurama said, Naruto raised an eyebrow "And why is it that Kurama I used your chakra to perform this specific transformation I suspect only someone who has a dojutsu can see through it," Naruto said, Kurama stayed silent for a moment.

"Naruto did you forget what the third stage of all the nine swords, provides you," Kurama asked, Naruto stayed silent Kurama was being cryptic but this was naruto, just in few seconds he knew what the fox was implying "The third stage of the swords increases the chakra, speed, and all senses of the user by 10 times and if we go in that matter the wielder of the earth sword if he activates the third level of the sword while I confront him he will see through my transformation Is that what you are implying Kurama."

"Yes all I am saying is don't let your guard down even for a second, you have not conquered your hatred and because of that if I give you more than three tails worth of chakra you will go on a rampage, remember naruto if possible avoid fighting," Kurama said worried about his host if possible Kurama didn't want Naruto to fight any of the upper 4 but he knew if necessary naruto would fight to protect innocent people.

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