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Sato released the grip on naruto's neck as naruto's body started falling towards the ground, Tsuki activated her mangekyo as her Susanoo activated but this time the Susanoo had legs as the Susanoo jumped and grabbed naruto's body gently "It's gonna be alright naruto, I am gonna hell you right away!" Tsuki said with tears streaming down her face.

Sato was looking at his head as a mixture of black and purple aura surrounded him "I have obtained Enma's power, even If somehow you manage you manage to revive him I have killed him so I have obtained his power that means" He said as his red eyes turned to purple "This power I see by obtaining Enma's powers by own sword power has increased unlike other swords I obtained I just gained their abilities".

Tsuki focused her right eye on the hole that was on Naruto's chest it had damaged his heart, Kakashi and Kai appeared in front of Tsuki "You heal him we will hold him off until then" Kai said as he pointed his sword at Sato and a lightning blade formed in Kakashi's arm "Hold me off you say, you think you can defeat me, Kai, after you know the power gap between me and you before I got Enma's powers?".

Kai gripped his sword harder "I will not let the sky country fall for your personal goals!" Sato looked at the man with a stoic look "Verywell if that's what you choose all of you shall die here" Sato said as he took a stance both Kai and Kakashi got ready, Kai fired multiple ice senbons at Sato who stayed in the same place, Kakashi went through hand signs "Fire style dragon flam bomb jutsu!" a huge wave of fire was fired towards Sato, there was a huge explosion as both attack, the smoke cleared but Sato was not there anymore "I wonder what will the Hokage do when her strongest ninjas die in a single mission" Kai and Kakashi's eyes widened when the voice came from behind them, Kakashi spun around with his lightning blade aimed right the man's throat, but Sato brought his left arm up and caught Kakashi's hand "These hands are your weapon" He said as there was a crack sound as Kakashi pulled away his broken arm from the man, Sato looked down to see ice around his feet trying to hold him in place, he shook his head before lava came out of his feet and completely melted the ice "You know you can't win you are trying to buy time when you know that she can't heal him" Sato said in a emotionless tone, Kai gritted his teeth, he looked at Kakashi who was holding his broken left arm, he had to buy time at least until Tsuki was able to heal naruto then maybe if they all work together they can put this man down.

Tsuki looked at Naruto whose eyes were open they had no life in them she was trying her best she had closed the chest wound but she could not heal the heart since she couldn't see it, Tsuki watched with tears in her eyes "What should I do? What should I do?" She said with a terrified look on her face "Somewhere in my mind... I thought naruto would be alright... That he would win... By believing that I was able to turn my eyes away...but..." She thought "What should I do? What should I do?" She said as she started to shake the man that she loved was dying right in front of her and she couldn't do anything "What should I do? What the hell do I do?" She said as more tears came out of her eyes, then Tsuki turned her head to the side as both Kakashi and kai were sent flying "Kakashi-sensie! Kai-san!" both Kai and Kakashi looked at her "There's nothing to worry about Tsuki we are fine, you keep on healing Naruto we will hold him off until then" Kakashi said as he and Kai rushed to Sato who was calmly walking towards them.

Tsuki watched as Sato appeared right in front of Kakashi and Kai and Kicked both of them away and started to beat them into a bloody mess, she couldn't take it she knew she wasn't strong enough but she had to try, as she got up and activated her Susanoo but this time it had two legs two spears appeared on the hands of the Susanoo and the humanoid figure threw them at Sato who brought his sword up and sliced them in half "If you were facing me before I got this power that attack would have been as strong as my cero but..." He said as he appeared right in front of her Susanoo "Now on the other hand" Sato said as a black ball formed "My power is above the 5 kage combined" As a cero made contact with the Susanoo.

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