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It was silent, the pain he was feeling right now was unbearable, the man that had raised him the man that he saw as his father, the man that had taught him everything that he knew today was in a hospital room in a critical condition, first he had lost senzaru and if he lost Jiraya right now it would break him "Hey kid you alright?" Kurama asked the boy in all his time when he was sealed inside the boy he never felt such strong emotions from the boy not even when senzaru had died the reason well Kurama knew that all too well.

"I am not fine Kurama first it was Senzaru sensie and if I lose Jiraya now I don't know what I would do," He said, Kurama stayed silent because he had lost his father and there was a hole in his heart that could not be filled or that's what he thought until he meets this boy who accepted him despite him killing his parents he understood what the tailed beast went through and for Kurama, naruto was someone who was family.

Naruto was next to Tsuki waiting for an update on Jiraya's condition. A couple of hours past then Shizune and Tsunade came out of the room.

Naruto stood up when he saw Shizune, "How is he?"

Shizune took a deep breath and looked Naruto dead in the eyes, "Naruto, he's going to live, but he is in a coma and his career as a shinobi is over the injuries that he has sustained will not allow him to mould chakra anymore, I do not know when he will wake up."

Naruto was relieved that he was alive "Shizune how are Kiba and the others they were critically injured in their fight with Kisame? The doctors haven't informed us of their situation."

"I will go and find out," Shizune said to reassure the young man.

Naruto nodded and Shizune walked off to the room across from Jiraya's room to get some info on his fellow ninja's health. Naruto was sitting on the bench waiting for Shizune when Kakashi walked up to him causing Naruto to look up when he saw a familiar shadow. Kakashi looked at him with pity, "How are they doing?"

"Jiraya is in a coma and I'm waiting to hear word on Kiba and Shino." Said Naruto in a low voice.

"Naruto for what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Just at that moment, Shizune came out of Kiba's room. "Naruto, Kiba and Shino are okay and Kiba injuries, although they were life-threatening, wasn't as bad as Jiraya's. He should be awake soon and will make a full recovery in about a week or so and Shino had chakra exhaustion he should be fine in 2 to 4 days."

Naruto spoke once more, "Can I go see Jiraya-sensie?"

She nodded; this caused Naruto to stand up and leave everyone to talk amongst one another. When Naruto entered the room, he saw two doctors including Tsunade. The two doctors gave a respectful bow "Namikaze-san"

"Leave us alone for a bit," Tsunade said to the doctors who nodded and left the room Naruto was standing over Jiraya, who looked so peaceful with his white hair cascading his face. Naruto placed his hand to touch his face but then he stopped. Tsunade couldn't help but feel bad for him. She spoke "Naruto, I checked her and Shizune was right she is in a coma. But I'm certain that she will recover."

Naruto nodded. There was a long silence between the two then he spoke, "You know, he was the one who saved me from becoming a demon and I never wanted to cause him any more trouble than I already have, I wanted him to look at me with pride when I became the Hokage and It's because of me that he is in the situation that he is in."

"You can't go blaming yourself about this. If you had not flashed away with him he would not be here. So you did protect his." Tsunade said trying to make him see the logic.

"No, if I did protect her he wouldn't be in this situation, he did it to protect me and if he wouldn't have gone this wouldn't have happened," Naruto said while still looking at the Hokage.

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