6:00 - 7:00 am

1.9K 62 84

Y/N's POV:

I slowly walk downstairs, not making any sound. Taehyung sobs, as he's holding onto Namjoon. He's one of the strongest guys, it's hard to see him cry like this. He lost 3 of his closest friends, well more like 3 of his brothers.

Namjoon continues to comfort him. I slowly inch my way closer to them, remaining out of their view. I stand behind them, my heart starts to beat faster.
My hands start to get sweaty but I immediately pull Taehyung's hair back, penetrating the knife into his neck, slicing it to one ear and to the other.
Blood splatters all across the wooden floor, as Taehyung coughs and wheezes out blood. His lifeless body falls onto the floor.

Namjoon looks at me with dark eyes. He seems confused yet ready to fight. In seconds he tackles me onto the ground. I hit my head hard onto the floor. I struggle onto his grip. He tries to wrap his hands around my neck.

"YOU B**CH, I trusted you, those were my friends, my brothers, MY ONLY FAMILY!", he yells out as he starts to choke me. His thumbs dig deep into the core of my neck. I struggle to breathe as I immediately kick him hard in his backside. His grip loosens and I crawl away, coughing and trying to catch my breath.

"What's going on!", Jin runs out of the bathroom, noticing Taehyung's bloody body, while Namjoon gets up.

"Her....she did...everything", his voice is soft but sounds so hurt, it sounds as if he's lost everything. Poor guy.

Jin yells and runs over to the couch, he's trying to find a weapon. I hid all of the remaining weapons which were in the lounge, that'll buy me some time. I get up and run as fast as I can upstairs. I run into Jin's room, locking the door. I look around and notice the enormous bed. I drop down and quickly hide myself under his bed.
I immediately hear footsteps running upstairs. I hear one door open and Jin yelling out to me. After a while, he tries opening his door.

"COME ON OUT Y/N!", he screams as he bangs on the door. After a couple seconds he grunts and the door bashes open. I keep my entire body and mouth silent. I see his black shoes walking around slowly.
He chuckles as he slowly bends down to meet my fearful eyes.

"Awh, why are you scared now you stupid mutt", he tries grabbing me but i crawl back. I quickly get out from under the bed. He's blocking the door, there's almost no way out. I drop down which confuses him and he makes his way to me.
I look down and thankfully notice a Glock pistol, I grab it and turn around to point it at him.
I don't hesitate as he stops in his tracks, confused at me holding the gun.

"Do you even know how to use that?", he chuckles. You know what they say. Overconfidence precedes carelessness.

I smile as I shoot him right into the heart. His eyes go wide as he drops onto the floor. I shoot him a couple more times into the chest, and right into his head. Blood oozes out as he takes in his last few breaths.
I chuckle and look around the room quickly. I notice a shotgun. I drop the pistol and grab it. It's a Spas-12, this'll be great.

I quickly exit the room and run downstairs. My survival instinct kicks in and I dodge a bullet coming my way. I turn around and see Namjoon, his eyes are red, his face seems puffy, he has gone completely out of it.
I point the gun at him, he does the same.

"Why did you do this, why?", his voice breaks but is still stern.
I remain silent, looking into his deep eyes.

"WHY Y/N, WHY!?", he screams, his voice full of nothing but pain and fury.

He let's go of his gun and darts his way to me. He's fast and before I can do anything he pushes me onto the ground again. He punches me hard in the face, the feeling of my skin and flesh already brusing up burns. I move away quickly and try crawling over to my shotgun. He grabs a hold of my leg and pulls me away. I try kicking him but he holds onto it tightly. I breathe heavily, trying to inch my way closer to the gun.

Suddenly a random glass ornament falls down from upstairs diverting his attention to it. I take this as my chance to grab the shotgun from the ground.
I turn my back around and hold onto the shotgun tightly as I pull the trigger. The large bullet peirces deeply into his stomach. He yells out in pain and falls onto the ground.

I quickly get up and run out of the house. I run down the long field and forest. As soon as I'm out of the forest, I see both my car and BTS' van. I open my car door and look through my pockets. Thankfully, I feel my keys in my back pocket. I grab them and start the car, immediately reversing it out of the area it was parked in.
Suddenly, as I'm about to drive off, I look up to see Namjoon standing there, with the same shotgun I used to shoot him. He's weak, he looks like he's on the verge of death.
I sigh and close my eyes. I step on the pedal and feel the car hit his body and drive over it. I open my eyes and look back to see his body, bloody and wounded.
I sigh and drive off.


I drive through the streets of my city as I suddenly hear sirens. The sirens that I heard when the purge started. It's done. 12 hours.....everything is finally done. I can't believe it.

As I drive down the roads, tons of dead bodies fill the streets. Police cars, ambulances and much more, crowd the streets. I sigh. This night is definitely one I'll remember forever.

I park my car on the driveway, exiting the car and taking a deep breath. Birds start chirping and the warm sun is already up.
I walk over to my house, seeing a dead body lay there. I scoff and grab it, pulling it away and pushing it out onto the side of the road. I guess my automated pistol worked.

I walk inside, closing the door. I stretch my body out, sighing in relief.
I quickly change out of my dirty clothing and put some comfy pajamas on.

I grab a pot, some chocolate, milk and sugar. I turn on the gas and start to make some hot chocolate. This was one crazy night I'd have to say, I met some new people, killed a few.
My door opens and closes, I hear the sound of a jacket being thrown onto the ground. Footsteps come closer and a pair of warm hands wrap around my waist.
I look behind and see him. He smiles and plants a kiss onto my soft lips. I kiss him back, smiling into it.

I pour the hot chocolate into two cups. Carefully, I place both cups onto the table. He smiles and kisses my forehead gently. He sits down, sighing and taking a small sip from his cup.

I remain in thought and ask, "Why did you want them gone, Hobi?".

He chuckles in silence, "Because.....why not?".

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