11:30-11:50 pm

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Y/N's POV:

All the boys, specifically Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook started talking about where they would have to go, to find perfect victims to kill.

Not gonna lie but, I'm terrified right now.

"Trust me, the shopping center is the perfect area to find people", Jimin whines while laying back on his seat.

"It's too dangerous, I don't want to risk it", Jin says while he focuses on the dark road.

"What about the park?", Jungkook asks grabbing the attention of the rest of the boys.

"I mean......we might find some groups there which might be fun", Yoongi replies as everyone nods in agreement.

"Well when we're there we-.....JIN LOOK OUT FOR THAT CAR!", Namjoon says as bright headlights shine through the windshield. Jin reacts quickly and turns the van causing it to hit a bush thankfully. 

"That mother fu-", Taehyung says before he gets out of the van and runs over to the car which had also stopped.

Everyone gets out while Taehyung grabs a baseball bat and smashes the windshield until it breaks into several pieces.

Two young girls' screams are heard from inside the car as well as a teen boy yelling.

"Stop it, we're so sorry!", a soft and innocent girl voice yells out.

"Please, leave us alone, we don't mean any harm!", a boy screams out at the top of his lungs.

"God, stop with the screaming you little kids", Jimin says as he loads his pistol.

Hobi and Jin shine flashlights into the car. Two young girls, not more than the age of 14 and a teen boy, probably around 16 or 17 years old.

"What are you kids doing out here?", Yoongi asks causing the girls to cry and scream for help.

Jimin immediately shoots one of the girls shoulder, "Don't scream and answer the question, no one is gonna help you out here, especially tonight".

"We just wanted to kill some of our enemies from school", the boy replies trying to calm the girls down.

"You and what army?", Jungkook laughs.

Suddenly the boy points a rifle at Jungkook and smirks.

"Oh my god, I'm so scared!", he says running around in circles like a crazy child.

"I will do it, let us go or else I will shoot, I have no problem doing so", the boy says obviously scared and totally not in control of the situation.

Jungkook stops, smiles and shoots him with a very scary looking pistol causing his immediate death.

"NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?", I yell pushing Jungkook away.

I hear two more gunshots, and as I turn back I see all three of the teens dead in the car.

"WHY WOULD YOU GUYS DO THAT? THEY WERE INNOCENT", I shout only earning a few laughs from them.

"Innocent, with that kind of attitude, I highly doubt it", Jimin says as he reloads his pistol.

I stand there, horrified and quiet as all the boys stretch and stand there as well.

"So, let's get going with our hunt", Namjoon says breaking the silence which results in all the boys entering the van immediately.

I hesitate for a while before entering the van which makes Hobi chuckle and pat my back.

When is this night going to end?.......

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