7:30-8:10 pm

3.6K 81 32

I drive around my neighborhood for some time as I start to get nervous. I was planning on going to Downtown but I'm getting second thoughts as it's pretty messed up there during the Purge. 

I get a message notification again, "Don't worry, everything's going to go well"

I reply, "I know....just kinda worried"

"Don't be".

I calm myself down and take the route to Downtown. 

While I drive there, I see a few small buildings vandalized and a few houses on fire. I start to take a few random routes until I stop at a music shop. As I feel like I'm gonna faint any time soon, I smash the window with a rock and walk in. (Hmm sounds familiar)

I sit on a piano bench and I start to play "Beethoven- Fur Elise" to calm me down.

After I finish the song, I sigh and smile. Classical music always finds a way to calm me down. The notes, the way it's played, it somehow makes me feel safe. 

I suddenly hear gunshots in the distance. I quickly get up and run over to my car. I sit inside and turn the engine on. I look back up and see a group of people with masks on, shooting random things and laughing. Should I run over them? No, that's a bad idea. Actually........

I hold the steering wheel tightly and hit the accelerator. They all turn their heads over to me and start shooting my car. I drive faster and hit all of them sending them across my windshield. 

I drive off until I'm far away from them. I sigh and take a deep breath. Looks like this is going to be harder than I thought........

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