12:00-12:30 am

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Y/N's POV:

We've been driving around Downtown for some time now and I've started feeling a bit queasy. I look out the window only to see darkness flooding the streets. I prop myself up, trying to ignore the nauseous feeling in my stomach.

Suddenly, I feel my throat get dryer and my stomach starts to churn. 

"Stop the car!", I yell as everyone jumps in shock and Jin quickly stops the car.

I get out of the car and start throwing up behind a bush. The smell of rancid vomit burns my nose.

I then feel a pair of hands holding my hair back as I throw up a little more. 

"It's okay, you're fine don't worry", a soft, deep voice which belonged to Taehyung says.

Jimin gives me some tissues and a bottle of water. I clean myself off and drink some.

"Was it the food I made....", Jin asks quite concerned.

"Oh no, I think I just felt a little weird out here", I chuckle and reply. "You know, with all the killing and stuff".

"Oh wow, well you better toughen up", Hobi says and helps me up.

As all of us are about to sit back in the van, we hear a car alarm going off in the distance. All of them smile and grab their weapons. We all start to run over to the sound and what we see surprises us.

An old man, at least in his mid 80's, laying in his vintage 70's car, with several bruises, scars and a broken arm.

His car is absolutely a mess, both front tires are punctured, one headlight is missing and overall the car seems very dull and dirty

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His car is absolutely a mess, both front tires are punctured, one headlight is missing and overall the car seems very dull and dirty.

When he notices us he calls for help multiple times.

"Oh damn, you're in deep s***", Yoongi says chuckling.

"Please help me children, I beg you", he replies in a hoarse voice.

I start walking over to the man when suddenly Namjoon pulls me back.

"He might have something on him", he says pulling me back.

"I doubt that, he's in pain".

"Well why did he come out here in the first place?", Jungkook says looking at him confused.

"I had to get my wife, who was in the mental institution out of town, but sadly she didn't make it, please", he replies as he starts to sob.

"Hmm, I have an idea", Taehyung says with a smile.

"He's in a lot of pain right?", "How about we just kill him?", he says smiling demonically.

Everyone nods in agreement again while I on the other hand stay quiet and look away.

Jimin grabs my hand and gently pulls me closer to the old man.

"I'm not going to do it", I say trying to go back but Jin stops me, looks at me in the eye and whispers.

"Do it, or else god knows what I'm going to do with you".

My heart starts beating and I shake my head again in disagreement, "Never".

"He's already extremely old Y/N, and no don't give me that talk about if he was you're grandfather what would you do, just kill him", Yoongi says crossing his arms in impatience.

I turn around and look at the old man, his eyes are the definition of a cry for help.

Jin squeezes my shoulder and walks back to the group. I slowly grab my pistol and point it at the old man's head.

"Just put him out of his misery Y/N", Hobi says.

I gather up my courage and take a deep breath. I mouth "I'm sorry" to the old man, close my eyes and shoot him in the head. The sound of the shot echos for a few seconds when suddenly someone pats my back.

"Great job!", Taehyung says showing off his boxy smile. 

"You're getting stronger hour by hour", Jimin laughs and smiles.

I walk back to the van in silence, while the boys follow me behind. I sit inside not looking at any of them.

"What's wrong?", Jin asks pouting.

"You guys are f****** psychotic", I reply in disgust.

"Well....you say tomato whereas we say tomahto", Yoongi says making me scoff and turn away.

"I'm hungry....to the market!", Jimin says which causes Jin to quickly start the van and drive.

Why did I even think about doing this..............

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