Chapter 3

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I felt bad for hollering at Pony and Gabby this morning. I know they're both going through a lot right now. Pony's sad about our parents, but he'll only open up to Johnny, Soda, and Gabby about it. And Gabby's upset since Soda isn't at school with her this year.

As I finished my thought, Gabby and Pony walked into the kitchen with their backpacks in hand. Pony was wearing jeans and a red shirt with a blue jacket, and gabby was dressed nicer than usual. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt, a black and white checkered dress on top, with a black headband.

  "Hey listen kiddoes, I'm sorry I hollered at you both this morning" I said as they walked over. "I mean it's okay, we were in a bad mood so we really caused you to holler. So we're sorry too", Gabby said sincerely. Ponyboy looked really sad, but I didn't ask him what was the matter because I didn't want him to start to cry.

Soda walked out of their room in jeans, a white shirt, and his DX shirt on top. "Mornin' Soda", I said as he walked out. He looked upset, probably for the same reason Gabby was. I was about to talk to him about it when Johnny and Steve burst through the door.

"MORNIN' KIDS!", Steve screamed as he jumped onto Soda. Steve was always hyper.  I don't think I've ever seen him calm before. "C'mon Soda we 'ought to go or we'll be late!", he grabbed Soda by the arm and flew out the door.

"That Steve.... man... he's like a rambunctious bull", Johnny said. Gabby laughed at Johnny's remark which made me happy since she was sad today. "Alright Darry we're gonna head on to school", Gabby said to me. "Alright have a good day you kids!". As I said that, they smiled and walked out to the bus.


I kicked the pebbles on the pavement as we waited for the bus and stared at the ground. I think Johnny and Pony noticed because they came over and said, "man ain't it sad Soda ain't with us at school this year?, Johnny said in the form of a question, but I think he said it to test to see what I'd say. As he said his remark I frowned. I tried to put my face straight but I couldn't. Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried to stop it, but hot tears flowed down my cheeks. 

Ponyboy pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair. "Gabby it's gonna be alright don't worry about it. It's just school! We'll see him later. Don't worry about it". Johnny started to rub my back to comfort me. I wiped my eyes and hugged Ponyboy tightly and pulled Johnny into our hug. I sniffed and said, "your right. I'm being silly. It's just hard since Soda and I do everything together, and it just feels like a big change cause him and I are best friends." "Gabby I know it's hard, but it's gonna be alright. I'll be with you today so there ain't nothin to worry about", Johnny said sincerely. I smiled at them and said, "I love you guys",  as I said that, the school bus rolled up. Johnny rubbed my back and Pony, Johnny, and I walked into the bus and sat together. The bus started up and rolled onto school.

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