Chapter 31

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I didn't even know how to react.  I couldn't speak, I couldn't move.  'We're not sure of his current condition', the woman's words played back in my head.

Was Dally okay? Was it a minor or major injury? Was the trucker that hit him caught?  And most of all, would he survive?

We didn't know the answer to any of these questions. I walked over to Gabby and held her tightly in my arms. We cried together and I stroked her silky hair, "Gabby it's okay. I've got ya".

Ponyboy's was shaking from crying, "c'mon guys. We gotta go see Dally and we gotta go see him now".

Gabby looked uneasy, "I don't think we should go see him quite yet. I mean, he ran off for a reason. He wanted time to be alone and to think. Until the hospital calls us again, or Dally comes home, I say we just 'oughta stay put". 

She put her face in her hands and started to cry harder. Soda walked over and put his hand on her shoulder, "Gabby-", as he said that, Gabby threw her hands into the air, "I'm sorry. I-I just can't".

Gabby quickly rushed off into her, Pony, and Soda's room. The guys and I all exchanged looks, but of us all, Darry looked the most broken. He put his hand on his head, "I'm gonna kill that bastard. Harry's caused 1 to many problems with this gang and I can't stand for it. We've gotta put him in the ground", Darry huffed through his teeth.

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